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单词 fish
fish/fɪ ⨜/ n fish or -es / ɪz/]; v [-es / ɪz/]

n (1) 鱼(cold-blooded water animal having a backbonefinsgrills for breathingand a stream-lined body adapted for moving through water) [C]:There are plenty of~in the lake. 这个湖里的鱼很多。Did you catch any~today? 你今天捉到鱼了吗? The boy ate two~. 那个男孩子吃了两条鱼。Some~es lay eggs in the water;others produce living young. 有些种类的鱼在水中产卵,另一些则是胎生。

(2) 鱼(肉) (flesh of such animals used as food) [U]:have fried~for dinner 晚饭吃煎鱼;What do you prefer,meat or~? 你是喜欢吃肉还是喜欢吃鱼?~soup 鱼汤;fresh/frozen~鲜鱼/冷冻鱼;smoked/boiled/grilled~熏鱼/煮鱼/烤鱼;

a fish out of water 如鱼离水;感到不自在:He felt like a~out of water at his son's party. 他在他儿子的聚会上感到很不自在。

a(n) odd/queer fish 怪人 (infml):That old man is an odd~. 那个老头是个怪人。

have other/bigger fish to fry 有另外的事要干:I can't talk to you any longer. I have other~to fry. 我不能和你再说了,我还有其他的事情要做。

→′fishery n 渔业(场);′fishy adj 鱼的,鱼(腥)味的;可疑的;′fish-farm n 养鱼场;′fish-hook n 渔钩;′fish-kettle n 椭圆形的煮鱼锅;′fish-knife n (吃鱼用的)餐刀;′fishmonger n 鱼贩子;′fish-net n 渔网;′fish-slice n 煎鱼铲;′fishwife n 贩鱼妇;(贬)泼妇;

v (1) 钓(捕)鱼(try to catch fish; fish in (an area of water)) [II+prep(for),T+n]:go/like~ing 去钓鱼/喜欢钓鱼;~for carp 钓鲤鱼;~a river/a lake 在河中/湖中钓鱼;The river has been over~ed. 这条河流遭到滥捕。〖同〗hook,net;

(2) 寻找(seek by reaching into or groping in sth) [I+prep(for)]:~for pearls/for information 采集珍珠/搜集情报;~around in one's pocket for the keys 在口袋里摸钥匙;~a coin out of a purse 从钱包里掏出一枚硬币;That is like~ing for a needle in the ocean. 那就像大海捞针。〖同〗 search,hunt,grope;

fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼;趁火打劫;

fish for (v prep) 设法得到:I know what he was driving at. He was~ing for a loan. 我知道他的打算是什么。他是在设法获得贷款。

fish out (of) (v adv) 找出 (vt):She~ed out the old sock from the bottom of the drawer. 她从抽屉的最里边找到了那只旧袜子。

fish up (v adv) 捞(掏)出来 (vt):~up several coins from one's pocket 从口袋里掏出几枚硬币;

→′fisherman n 捕(钓)鱼人;′fishing n 钓(捕)鱼;

【注意】 fish 有两种复数形式。当指许多条鱼时,用fish,如:He caught two fish. (他钓到两条鱼。) 当指不同种类的鱼时,则用fishes,如:the fishes of the Pacific Ocean (太平洋中的鱼类)。





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