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单词 firm
firm1/fɜ:m/ adj [-er/-est];advv

adj (1) 坚固(硬)的(unyielding to pressure;solid;hard):Put the ladder on~ground. 将梯子放在坚实的地上。~soil/muscles (flesh) 坚硬的土壤/结实的肌肉;jelly that is not~enough 还没有凝结好的果冻;〖同〗stiff,hard,unbending,unyielding,solid;〖反〗 loose,soft;

(2) 稳(牢)固的(not easily shaken or moved;securely fixed in place):~foundations 牢固的基础;a stool~enough to sit on 坐着很稳的凳子;a tree~in the earth 树牢牢地扎根于泥土之中;be on~ground 脚踏实地;在稳固的基础上;as~as rock 稳如磐石;〖同〗fast,secure,steady,stable;tight,immovable;〖反〗unsteady,unstable;

(3) 强有力的(strong and sure):a~handshake/step 紧紧的握手/强有力的一步;in the~grasp of sb 牢牢地掌握在某人的手中;a~grip/hold 紧抓(握);

(4) 坚定(决)的(not changing;determined;resolute):~principles 不可更改的原则;a~belief (in) (对……) 坚定的信仰;remain~in one's conviction 坚信;be~in purpose 意志坚定;give a~refusal 断然拒绝;He was quite~about not coming to my birthday party. 他坚决不来参加我的生日晚会。My mother was~in resolve not to move north. 我母亲坚决不同意迁居北方。〖同〗 steadfast,determined,resolved,persistent,decided,steady,inflexible,bent;〖反〗 unsteady,wavering,irresolute;

(5) 坚强(决)的 (steadfast or unwavering; not easily persuaded to change one's mind;decisive) [A(with)]:She looked very~. 她看上去很坚强。be~with one's children 严格要求孩子;

(6) (物价,货币等)稳定的,坚挺的(staying the same;stable;not lower than another currency in value) [A(against)] [通常作 pred]:The prices are~. 价格稳定。The pound remained/stayed~against the dollar. 英镑对美元保持坚挺。〖同〗settled,fixed,established;〖反〗unstable,unreliable;

→′firmly adv 坚定(固地);′firmness n 坚定(固);

adv 坚定地;牢固地(firmly;resolutely):stand~不动摇;He held~to his beliefs/to his ideals/to his principles. 他坚定不移地保持自己的信仰/理想/原则。

v (1) (使)坚定(固,实),(使)稳定(固) ((cause to) become firm;solidify) [II+adv(up),T+nT+n+prep(up)]:~quickly 很快凝固;The stock prices~ed up yesterday. 股票价格昨天稳定了下来。~up the price 稳定物价;~(up) the soil around a newly planted tree 将新栽树木周围的土夯实;

(2) 确认(put sth into a final fixed form):~up a contract/an agreement 确认一份合同/协议;

【辨异】 firmhardsolid 均可表示“坚硬(固)的”。firm 指坚硬或结实,不易弯曲,或因压榨变形,如:The athlete's muscles are firm. (那个运动员的肌肉很结实。) hard (硬的;结实、坚固的) 指表面坚固,不易挖掘,如:The ground is too hard to dig. (地面太硬挖不动。) solid (坚固的,结实的) 则表示某物的结构坚固、密度高,因而可以抵抗任何压力,如:build a house on solid ground (将房子建在坚硬的地上)。





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