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单词 fire
fire/′faɪ ǝ(r)/ nv [-d,-d/d/,-eing /rɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 火(condition of burningwhether accidentally or not) [U]:be destroyed/be killed in a~被大火烧毁/烧死;catch~easily 易燃;Keep away from~. 切勿近火。The~is burning. 火在燃烧。A burnt child dreads~. (prov) 吃过亏的人格外胆小。add fuel to the~火上浇油。〖同〗blaze,flame,flash,spark,flare;
 (2) 火灾(警) (instance of burning that causes destruction) [UC]:insure sth against~给某物投火灾保险;A~broke out/There was a~in the store. 商店里起了火。A spark may start a~. 小小的火星可以引发火灾。forest and bush~s 森林及丛林火灾;The prairie~spread very rapidly. 草原火灾蔓延十分迅速。
 (3) (取暖、野炊使用的)火(heat used for heatingcookingetc) [C]:light/make/build a~生火;lay a~准备生火;kindle a~by setting a match to the sticks 用火柴点燃劈柴生火;make up a~往火里添加木柴等使其烧得更旺;
 (4) 炉具(火) (instrument for heating) [C] a gas/an electric~煤气炉/电炉;cook meat over the~在炉火上炖肉;sit down before a~坐在炉火前;warm oneself at a~在炉前取暖;Please put the kettle on the~. 请把水壶放在炉子上。There is a warm~in the sitting room. 起居室里有温暖的火炉。
 (5) 炮火,火力(attack by gunfire;firepower) [U]:artillery/rifle/ground~ 炮火/步枪的火力/地面火力;cease/open~停火/开火;hold one's~停止射击;advance under the enemy~冒着敌人的炮火前进;return sb's~还击;〖同〗firing;
 (6) 热(激)情,狂热,生气(excitedstrongangry feeling;enthusiasm) [U]:with~in one's eyes 眼里充满怒火;have~in one's heart 心中充满怒火;patriotic~爱国热情;the~of a speech 讲话的激情;The essay lacks~. 那篇文章缺乏激情。〖同〗vigour,power,intensity, force,inspiration,imaginativeness,spirit,enthusiasm,eagerness;
 catch (on) fire:着火:Cotton catches~easily. 棉花很容易着火。
 draw fire 1) 吸引炮火:The general's white horse drew the enemy's~. 将军的白马吸引了敌人的炮火。2) 引人议论:Having such an expensive car is sure to draw~. 拥有这么昂贵的汽车肯定会引起别人的议论。
 go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火:They are ready to go through~and water for the Queen/to save the King. 为了女王/为了救出国王,他们随时准备赴汤蹈火。
 hang fire 1) 发射不出:The man pulled the trigger,but his gun hung~. 那个人扣动了扳机,但枪却卡了壳。2) 进展缓慢:The project is hanging~. 工程进展缓慢。
 miss fire 走火;没有产生预期的效果:The pistol/joke missed~. 手枪走火了/那个笑话未产生预期的效果。
 on fire 1) 起(着)火:He came home to find his house on~. 他回到家发现房子着火了。2) 感情冲动地;
 play with fire 玩火;冒险:You'd better watch your food if you don't want to play with~. 你要是不想冒险的话,最好注意自己的饮食。
 pull one's chestnuts out of the fire 火中取栗:No one wants to pull his chestnuts out of the~. 没人愿意火中取栗。
 pull sth out of the fire 转败为胜:pull the game out of the~ 最终赢得比赛;
 set fire to sth/set sth on fire 使燃烧(着火),点燃:set a building on~/set~to a building 放火烧一建筑物;
 set the world on fire 做出突出成就;有惊人之举:He's a hard worker but he'll never set the world on~. 他是个工作很努力的人,但决不会有什么惊人之举。
 under fire 1) 遭到炮火袭击:Soldiers are/come under~in the battle. 在战斗中士兵们遭到敌人炮火的袭击。2) 受到严厉批评:The policy has been under~on all sides. 那项政策受到了各方面的严厉批评。
 →′fireless adj 无火的;′fire-alarm n 火警;′firearm n (便携式)枪支;′fire-ball n 火流星;原子弹爆炸中心;精力非常充沛的人;′fire-bomb n 燃烧弹;′firebrand n 燃烧的木块;引起动乱的人;′fire-break n 防火带;′fire-brick n 耐火砖;′fire-clay n 耐火黏土;′firecracker n 鞭炮;′firedamp n 沼气;甲烷;′fire-drill n 消防演习;′fire-eater n 表演吞火的人;容易发怒的人;′fire-engine n 消防车;′fire-escape n 太平梯;′fire-fighter n 消防人员;′firefly n 萤火虫;′fire-guard n 炉挡;′fire-irons n 火炉用具;′firelight n 壁炉发出的火光;′fire-lighter n 引火物;′fireman n 消防队员;′fireplace n 壁炉;′fire-plug n 消防栓;′fire-power n 火力;′fireproof adj 防火的;′fire-raising n 放(纵)火;′fire-raiser n放(纵)火者;′fire-side n 壁炉旁;′fire-walking n 渡火(宗教仪式);′fire-walker n 渡火者;′fire-watcher n 火灾警戒员;′fire-water n 烈酒;′firewood n 木柴;′firework n 焰火;
 v (1) 开枪(炮)射击,射出(子弹) (shoot;operate (a gun);cause a (bulletetc) to be shot from a gun) [II+prep (at),T+nT+n+prep (into)]:F~! 开火! The gun began~ing at daybreak. 黎明时大炮开始射击。~at a target 向目标射击;They suddenly~d at/on/upon us. 他们突然向我们开火。~a gun/a missile/a pistol/a rubber bullet/a shot/a salute 开炮/发射导弹/开枪/发射橡皮子弹/射击/鸣放礼炮;~bullets over sb's heads/into the crowds 向某人的头部上方/朝人群射击;〖同〗shoot,discharge;
 (2) (连珠炮似地)说出(发问) (say (sth) very quickly) [T+n+prep(at)]:~questions at the witness/a stream of angry words at the naughty child/ insults at the old man 向证人提出一连串的问题/朝那个淘气的孩子愤怒地吼个不停/对那个老人大肆侮辱;
 (3) 解雇,开除(discharge from a job;dismiss) [T+n] (infml):The secretary was~d (from her job) for incompetence/because she was always late. 那个秘书被解除了工作,因为她不能胜任/总是迟到。〖同〗dismiss;
 (4) 点燃,使燃烧(set on fire;cause to burn) [T+n]:~dry leaves/a building 烧干树叶/纵火烧大楼;The police believed the house was~d on purpose. 警方认为那所房子是被人故意纵火烧毁的。
 (5) (发动机等)点火((of an internal combustion engine) ignite) [I]:The engine of my car does not~easily. 我汽车的引擎不好点火。
 (6) 激发(起),使充满热(激)情(fill sb witharousestimulate enthusiasm) [T+nT+n+prep(with/into)]:~sb's imagination 激发某人的想象力;The audience were ~d by his speech/by what they read. 听众受到他演讲/他们阅读材料的激励。~sb with enthusiasm 使某人充满热情;~sb into action 激励某人采取行动;〖同〗 arouse,stimulate,rouse,spark,inspire,excite,stir;
 (7) 烧(烘)制(heat (chinapotteryetc) in an oven in order to harden or strengthen) [T+n]:~clay pottery 烧制陶器;The pots are~d before they are decorated. 那些陶罐先烘烧后再修饰。〖同〗 bake;
 fire away (v adv) 开始说(问) (vi):F~away,I'm listening. 说吧,我听着呢。
 fire off (v adv) 发射(出) (vt):~off all one's bullets/some questions/an artificial satellite 打光所有的子弹/问一些问题/发射人造卫星;
 →′firer n 纵(点)火者;射击者;引火物;′firing n 射击;焙烧;′fire-line n 火线;′firing-squad n 行刑队





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