释义 |
yieldvt. 1. pay,repay,give in returnfor labour or as profit付给,偿还,回报。 △2H.IV. 4.5.77 (78):“This bitter taste/ Yields his engrossments to the ending fa-ther.” i.e. His accumulations repay this bitter taste to the dy-ing father. 作父亲的为儿子聚敛家财,临死了却要尝这种苦味。 2. grant. offer,afford,give授予,提供,给予,给。 △Ado. 3. 1.47: “I know he doth deserve/As much as may be yielded to aman;”我知道他是配享受一个男人所能获得的 一切。 △H.V.2.1.91(87): “By my troth,he’ll yieldthe crow a pudding one of these days.”(he: ❶Falstaff; ❷the Boy.)说真话,他总有一天要成为一根黑香肠让乌鸦吃的。 △3H.VI. 3. 3. 20: “Itshall be eased if France (i.e. the King of France) canyield relief. ”法国国王拿出解救办法,你的苦情一定能够消除。 △3H.VI.2.2.24: “Didst yield consent to disinherithim,”倒表示同意把他的继承权剥夺掉。 △3H.VI.3.3.149:“Yet shall you have all kindness at my hand/Thatyour estate requires and mine can yield.”不过你在我这里还是会受到你的身份所要求、我的地位也能给予的一切友好待遇。 △3H.VI.4. 6. 36:“And therefore I yield thee myfree consent.”所以我心甘情愿地推选你。 △3H.VI.4.6.89: “My lord,I like not of this flight of Edward's,/For doubtless Burgundy will yield him help,/And weshall have more war before't(i.e. it) be long.”大人,我对爱德华的这次逃走感到不愉快,因为勃艮第无疑要给他支援,那么不消多久就又有战争了。 △R.III.1.3.168 (167): “but Ido find more pain in banishment/ Than death canyield me here by my abode.”但是我发现在放逐之中的痛苦比在这里居留而死更大。 △R.III.4. 4. 402 (401): “Day,yield me not thy light,nor,night,thy rest!”白天不要给我光明,夜晚也不要给我休息!
yew-tree 3. allow,admit,concede in law允许,承认,在法律上承认。 △1H.VI.2.4.40: “he upon whose side/The fewestroses are cropped from the tree/Shall yield the otherin the right opinion.”谁的那一方收到的玫瑰花数目最少,他就得承认对方裁判正确。 4. deliver,give up,resign (to)交出,放弃,把…交托(给)。 △2H.IV.1.3. 106: “Criest now,‘O earth,yield usthat king again,/And take thou this!’”现在却叫喊道:“啊,大地,把那个国王再交给我们,把这个国王收了去吧!” △2H.IV.4.3.49 (45): “Here he is. and here I yieldhim.”他就在这里,我在这里把他交出来。 △1H.VI.1.1.1:“Hung be the heavens with black,yield day to night!”让天空张挂起黑纱,把白昼交给黑夜! △1H.VI.1.1.66:“IfHenry were recalled to life again,/These news wouldcause him once more yield the ghost.”假使亨利王真能死而复生,这些消息也会使他再一次断气的。 △3H.VI.2.2.101:“What sayst thou,Henry,wilt thou yield thecrown?”亨利,你有什么话说,你愿意交出王冠吗? △3H.VI2.2.127: “A thousand men have broke (i.e. broken)their fasts today/ That ne’er shall dine unless thouyield the crown.”上千的人都吃过今天的早饭,除非你交出王冠,他们就永远吃不上午餐了。 △3H.VI.2.5.58: “And Ithat haply take them from him now,/May yet,ere night,yield both my life and them(i.e. gold coins)/To some man else,as this dead man doth me.”我现在偶然从他身上拿到这些钱,也许在天黑之前还得把我的性命连同这些都交给另外一个人,像这个死人对我这样。 △3H.VI.3.3.16:“Yield not thy neck / To fortune’s yoke,but letthy dauntless mind / Still ride in triumph over all mis-chance.”不要低首垂颈,忍受命运轭套的束缚,而要让你那大无畏的精神高扬在一切厄运之上。 △3H.VI.5.6.8: “So firstthe harmless sheep doth yield his fleece,/ And nexthis throat unto the butcher’s knife.”无辜的绵羊就是这样先交出它的羊毛,然后再把它的喉管伸到屠夫的刀下。 yield the ghost: give up the ghost,i.e. die断气,死。 △R.III.1.4.36:“and often did l strive / To yield the ghost;”我多次努力使灵魂脱离躯体。 5. deliver,give up,surrender交出,使自首,使投降。 △Mac.5.7.52 (5.8. 23): “Then yield thee,cow-ard,”那么你就投降吧,胆小鬼 △2H. IV. 4. 3. 18(16): “Ithink you are Sir John Falstaff,and in that thoughtyield me.”我想你就是约翰·福斯塔夫爵士,在这种想法之下,我投降了。 yield thee: surrender yourself你自己投降。 △1H.IV. 5.3.9:“So shall it thee,/ Unless thou yield thee as myprisoner.”它也要结果了你,除非你自己投降,做我的俘虏。 6. cast out吐出。 △Ado. 5. 3. 19: “Graves,yawn andyield your dead,”坟墓,吐出所有的死人。 7. give,deliver举出,发表。 △Tw.3.1. 27 (23):“I canyield you none without words,”不用文字我是不能给你举出任何理由的。 △Tw.3.2.4 (3):“You must needs yieldyour reason,Sir Andrew.”你要说出你的理由来,安德鲁爵士。 8. give out,declare,represent披露,宣布,表示。 △Ham.4.5.11:“Which as her winks and nods and gestures yield them,”再加上她眨眼、点头、做手势表示出的样子。 9. ❶offer,afford,give提供,给予,给。 ❷resign,sur-render,give up辞去,交出,让出。 △R.III.4.4.31:“Ah,that (i.e. would that) thou wouldst as soon afford a grave /As thou canst yield a melancholy seat!”啊,我想你既然能为我提供一个令人悲痛的座位(又译:你既然能让出一个令人悲痛的王位),你何不也赶快给我提供一座坟墓呢?
yieldvi. 1. submit,succumb 顺从,屈服。 △1H.VI.3.3.80:“Andmade me almost yield upon my knees.”使我简直要跪下来投诚了。 △3H.VI.3.1. 100: “And what God will,that let your king perform; / And what he (i. e. yourking) will,I humbly yield unto.”上帝要怎么样,让你们的国王执行;你们的国王要怎么样,我谦卑地服从。 △R.III.3.7.206 (207):“I cannot nor I will not yield to you.”我实在不能也不愿顺从你们。 2. give way,not to oppose退让,不反对。 △1H.VI. 3.1.112: “Yield,my Lord Protector,yield,Winchester,”退让一步吧,护国公,退让一步吧,温彻斯特。 △1H.VI.5.3.99: “Henry is youthful and will quickly yield.” 亨利年轻,很快就会依从。 △1H.IV. 5.1.110:“But if he will notyield,/ Rebuke and dread correction wait on us,” 但如果他不肯让步,谴责和可怕的惩罚掌握在我手里。 3. comply,consent 应允,同意。 △1H.VI.5.5.77:“Then yield,my lords,”那么就同意吧,诸位。 △2H.VI.1.1.127 (126): “France should have torn and rent myvery heart / Before I would have yielded to thisleague.”哪怕法兰西把我的心挖出来撕碎,我也绝不会同意这个盟约。 △2H.VI. 5.1.39:“But if thy arms be to no oth-er end,/ The King hath yielded unto thy demand.”但如果你这次兴兵没有别的目的,国王已经答应你的要求了。 △ 3H.VI. 3. 2. 96:“And that is more than I will yieldunto.”那就超过我所愿意应允的了。 △R.III.3.1.191:“Now,my lord,what shall we do if we perceive /Lord Hastings will not yield to our complots?”现在,大人,如果我们发觉海斯丁斯大人不同意我们的密谋,我们怎么办? △R.III. 3.7.144 (145): “Tongue-tied ambition,notreplying,yielded / To bear the golden yoke of sover-eignty,”沉默的野心家,虽不答话,却已应允肩负起那金灿灿的轭套。 △Lr.4.3.42 (40): “and by no means / Willyield to see his daughter.” 只是不肯去见他的女儿。 △Lr.4.6.43 (42): “And yet I know not how conceit mayrob / The treasury of life,when life itself / Yields tothe theft.”然而我不知道,当生命自己愿意被盗的时候,想像究竟会不会把那生命之宝盗走。 4. surrender投降。 △Lr.2.1.33 (31): “Yield! Comebefore my father.”投降! 到父亲面前来。 △2H.IV.4.3.13 (11):“Do ye yield,sir?”你投降吗,阁下? yield[ji:ld]v. 出产,生长,生产,屈服,屈从 n.产量,收益 ◇ yield an account 报账 yield curve 收益曲线 yield on long term government bond 长期政府债券收益 yield on treasury bill 国库券收益 yield oneself up to 沉湎于 yield the greatest returns on investment 发挥最大的使用效益 yield the palm to sb.输给某人 yield to pressure from outside 屈服于外界压力 ‖ yield differential 收益率差异 yield gap 收益差额 yield of real capital 实际资本收益率 yield rate 收益率 yield tax 收获税 yield to average 平均年限收益率 yield to call 回购期权收益率 yield to crash 破产收益率 yield to maturity 到期收益(率)/yield to subscribers 认购人收益 yields of long-term bonds 长期债券收益 yielding and paying 遵从和照付 yielding parry 顺势防守 yielding n.获利 adj. yieldingly adv. yielder n.让步者,屈服者 Yin-Yang School 阴阳学派 |