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单词 yet


1.still,now as formerly仍然,至今还。
△L.L.L.5.2.417 (416):“Yet I have a trick / Of the old rage.”我仍然还有一点老毛病(又译:积习未除)。
△ Ado. 1.1.198(189): “I can see yet without spectacles,”我现在还可以不戴眼镜看东西。
△Ado.5.2.33:“whose names yet runsmoothly in the even road (i. e. balanced passage) of ablank verse,”他们的名字至今仍然流传在词句对称的诗篇里。
△Ado.5.4.36:“Are you yet determined / To-day tomarry with my brother’s daughter?”你今天仍然愿意和我的侄女结婚吗?
△As.3.3.2: “And how,Audrey? am Ithe man yet?”怎么样,奥德蕾,我还是你的意中人吗?
△Rom.3.3.56 (57): “ Yet ‘banished’?”还是“放逐”?
△Ham.1.3.55:“Yet here,Laertes?”还在这里,莱阿提斯?
△Lr.4.6. 63 (62):“ ’Twas yet some comfort,/When misery could beguile the tyrant’s rage,/ Andfrustrate his proud will.”不幸的人倘能(用自杀)挫败暴君的盛怒并阻挠他骄横的意志,倒也不失为某种安慰。
△2H.IV.1.3. 63: “Grant that our hopes,yet likely of fairbirth,/ Should be still-born,”即使我们的希望也许会流产(其实它仍然很可能顺利实现的)。
△H.V.2.2.57: “We’llyet enlarge that man,”我还是要放了那个人。
△R.III.4.4.71:“Richard yet lives,”理查依然活着。
2. by this time,up till now,so far,as yet,hitherto到这时为止,到现在为止,迄今为止,直到目前,迄今。
△Tw. 1.4.30:“For they shall yet belie thy happy years,/ Thatsay thou art a man.”因为他们若是现在就说你是一个成年的男人,他们实在是诽谤你的青春。
△Mer.2.9.91:“Yet Ihave not seen / So likely an ambassador of love.”我从来没有见过这样体面的求爱的专使。
△Lr.5.1.23: “WhereI could not be honest,/ I never yet was valiant.” 凡是处在不能光明正大的情况下,我从来不曾勇往直前。
△ Oth. 3.3.433 (432): “Nay,but be wise; yet we see nothingdone:”不,要明智;我们还没有看到什么真凭实据。
△2H.IV.4.1.88:“Whenever yet was your appeal denied?”你们的申请究竟在什么时候遭到了拒绝?
△1H.IV. 1. 3. 77:“Why,yet he doth deny his prisoners,”嘿,他到现在还是拒绝交出俘虏。
△2H.VI.4.9. 48:“Come,wife,let’s in,and learn to govern better,/ For yet may Englandcurse my wretched reign.”来,贤妻,我们进宫去吧,我们要学习好好统治,因为迄今为止英格兰可以骂我政绩拙劣。
3. now as before,now as always从来,一直。
△2H.IV4. 3. 34 (31):“I never knew yet but rebuke and checkwas the reward of valour.”(I never knew yet but: Ialways knew that...)我向来知道勇敢的报酬从来不过是责骂和申斥。
△R.III.1.4.224 (215): “If God will beavenged for the deed./O,know you yet,He doth itpublicly;”如果上帝要为那件事进行惩罚,啊,你们总该知道,他一定会公开进行。
4. for the present,for the time being,at present.now目前,眼下,当前,现在。
△Lr.1.4.43 (40):“If I likethee no worse after dinner,I will not part from theeyet.”如果我在吃饭后还觉得你不错的话,我就暂且不跟你分手。
△Lr.5.3.150(149):“Which for they yet glance by,”因为这些诬蔑之词现在只是轻轻滑了过去。
△2H.IV.3.1.41:“It is but as a body yet distempered.”这不过像是一个暂时有病的身子。
△H.V.3.3.1: “How yet resolves thegovenor of the town?” 城里的总督现在怎样决定的?
△3H.VI.1.4. 33 (30):“The duke yet lives that Hen-ry shall depose; / But him outlive,and die a violentdeath.”要把亨利废黜的公爵现在活着,但比他活得更久,以后暴死。
5. even now现如今。
△3H VI.1.1.113:“You are oldenough now and yet. methinks,you lose.”你现在年纪已经够大了,我认为法国现如今就是你丢的。
6. already已经。
△2H.IV.2.2.176 (160):“Sirrah,youboy,and Bardolph,no word to your master that I amyet come to town.”i.e.I have already come to town.喂,你这孩子,巴道夫,别对你们的主人说我已经来到城里。
△Mid.4.2. 1:“Is he come home yet?”他回到家了吗?
7. when all is said and done,in spite of all,for allthat. after all说到归齐,不管怎么说,尽管如此,毕竟。
△Lr.5.3.241 (240):“Yet Edmund was beloved;”爱德蒙总还是有人爱的。
△Tw.3.4.434 (396): “I dare lay anymoney,’t will be nothing yet.”多少钱我都敢赌,到头来不会有什么事发生的。
8. before or till some future time终必,总要。
△3H.VI.5.4.67: “Brave followers,yonder stands the thornywood,/ Which by the heavens’ assistance and yourstrength,/ Must by the roots be hewn up yet erenight.”勇敢的部下,那边是一片多刺的树林,靠着上天的帮助和你们的力量,我们在天黑之前无论如何也要把它连根铲除。
9. at least至少。
△Tw.2.1.9: “Let me yet know ofyou whither you are bound ”让我至少知道你想到什么地方去。
△3H.VI.2.3.40: “Yet that Thy brazen gates ofheaven may ope,” 至少,你那不朽的天国之门能够打开。
△R.III.3.7. 196 (197): “If not to bless us and theland withal,/Yet to draw forth your nobleancestry/From the corruption of abusing times”,纵然不是为了给我们大家和国家造福,至少也要把你那高贵的祖传世系从这个反常败坏的时代中挽救出来。
10. nevertheless然而,不过。
△3H.VI.3.3.131:“Yet Iconfess that often ere this day,/ When I have heardyour king's desert recounted,/Mine ear hath temptedjudgment to desire,”不过我承认在今天以前我所听到的你们国王的长处倒促使我的判断对他有向往之意。
△3H.VI.4.1.83: “I hear,yet say not much,but think the more.”我听着,不过不多说,还是多想想吧。


◇ as yet 到现在为止
yet again 再





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