释义 |
yeomann. 1. substantial farmer,man holding and cultivatingsmall landed estate,freeholder under the rank of agentleman富裕农民,自耕农,自由民(地位在绅士之下)。 △H.V.3.1.25:“And you,good yeomen,/ Whoselimbs were made in England,show us here / The met-tle of your pasture;”你们,健壮的自耕农们,你们的胳膊腿儿是英格兰所养育出来的,也在这里给大家显示一下你们土生土长的素质吧。 △1H.VI.2.4.81:“We grace the yeoman byconversing with him.”(The titles of Plantagenet’s fa-ther and his heirs were forfeited to the crown when Henry V executed him for treason.)我们跟这个自耕农说话,就把他的地位抬高了。 △3H.VI.1.4.123:“Yet not sowealthy as an English yeoman.”然而还没有一个英国自耕农富裕。 △Lr.3.6.11 (9): “Prithee,nuncle,tell mewhether a madman be a gentleman or a yeoman?”老伯伯,请告诉我,一个疯子是绅士呢还是自耕农? 2. independent or working farmer (Yeomen were fa-mous for their bravery and proved trusty in the King’sservice.) 自由民,自耕农。 △Ham. 5.2.35: “but,sir,now / It did me yeoman’s service (i.e. good andfaithful service).”但是,现在它却像自耕农一样为我立了大功。 △R.III.5.3.339 (338):“Fight,gentlemen of Eng-land! Fight,bold yeomen!”战斗吧,英国的贵族们! 战斗吧,勇敢的自耕农! 3. small landowner小地主。 △1H.IV. 4.2.16 (15):“yeomen’s sons”小地主的儿子。 4. assistant to a constable警吏的助手。 △2H.IV.2.1.4(3):“Where’s your yeoman ?Is’t (=it) a lusty yeoman?”你的伙计在哪里? 他可是个强壮有力的伙计? Phrase: yeoman of the wardrobe: an upper servant in chargeof the clothes in a noble family管衣家仆。 △Tw.2.5.44 (39):“the Lady of the Strachy married the yeomanof the wardrobe.”斯特拉齐小姐也曾下嫁她的管家。 yeoman自由农在英国历史中,介于绅士和劳动者之间的一个阶级,通常是土地所有者,也可以是侍从、警卫、随员或小官吏。在中世纪后期,自由民大都耕种田地,不服兵役,故又名“自耕农”。 |