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单词 fine
fine1/faɪn/ adj [-r/-st]; adv

adj (1) 优良(秀)的,杰出的(very good;of excellent quality):~paintings in the Louvre 卢浮宫中的绘画精品;give a~performance 作精彩演出;one of the~st actors 最优秀的演员之一;She's so noble and~that she's bound to be happy. 她是如此高贵和优秀,所以她注定会很快乐。The shop has some very~furs. 那家商店有些质地优良的皮货。〖同〗high-quality,choice,top-grade,exceptional,first-class,superior,splendid,excellent,rare,magnificent,smart;〖反〗 coarse,rough,plain,crude;

(2) 精制的;纤巧的(carefully made;thin and delicate):~china/linen/silk 细瓷/精制麻布/细绸;be made of~material 由精细材料制作的;

(3) 纤细的,细小的(very thin or sharp):~hair 细发;The thread is very~. 线很细。Thread is~r than rope. 线比绳子要细。The pencil should have a~point. 铅笔的笔尖应尖而细。〖同〗delicate,fragile,thin,slender;〖反〗thick,coarse,rough,poor,inferior;

(4) 美好(丽)的,好看的,漂亮的(beautiful;pleasing;enjoyable):look~样子长得很漂亮;have a~time/holiday in Africa 玩得很开心/在非洲度假很愉快;grow up to be a~young lady 出落成漂亮的少女;get a~view of the valley from the top of the hill 从山顶看到美丽的谷底景色;〖同〗 handsome,attractive,good-looking,fair,beautiful,pretty,lovely;〖反〗 disagreeable;

(5) (天气)晴朗的(bright and clear;not raining):It's a~day today. 今天的天气很好。It turned (out)~. 天放晴了。It was~on the day of picnic. 野餐那天的天气非常好。F~weather,isn't it? 天气真不错,是吧?a~autumn day 一个秋天晴朗的日子;〖同〗 clear,bright,pleasant,sunny,rainless,cloudless,fair;〖反〗 cloudy,dark;

(6) 细的,微小的(made of very small grains or pieces;consisting of small particles):~flour/sugar/sand/rain/powder/dust 精粉/细沙糖/细沙子/蒙蒙细雨/粉末/粉尘;〖同〗 powdery,powdered,ground,refined;〖反〗 thick,coarse,rough;

(7) (金属等)纯(成色好,含量高)的(pure and unmixed;refined):~gold 纯金;a kettle of~silver 纯银水壶;〖同〗 pure,refined;〖反〗 impure;

(8) 细微的,精细的(noticeable only with effort or difficulty;delicate and subtle in quality) (作 attrib):a~adjustment 微调;There is a~distinction between the meanings of those two words. 那两个词之间的差别很小。a~sense of humour/taste in music 微妙的幽默感/敏税的音乐鉴赏力;〖同〗minute,small,nice,slight,thin;〖反〗 broad,clear,obvious;

(9) 炫耀的,华丽的,华而不实的,假作恭维的((of speech or writing) showy;too highly decorated;complementary in an insincere way):~language 华而不实的语言;writing full of~words 充满华丽词藻的文章;have enough of sb's~speeches 对某人的恭维话厌烦了;

(10) (身体)好的(quite well;healthy) [无 comp] [作pred]:“How are you?” “I'm~,thank you. ” “你身体好吗?” “很好,谢谢。” I'm feeling~today. 我今天的感觉很好。

(11) 相当不错的,令人满意的(good enough;perfectly satisfactory) (infml):Don't worry about what the others say. Your work is~! 不要理会别人会说些什么。你的工作相当不错。

(12) 锋(锐)利的;敏锐的(sharp):a blade with~edge (刃很)锋利的刀子;put a~edge on the knife 给刀开锋利的刃口;have a~ear to music 对音乐的感觉很敏锐;〖同〗 keen,sharp;〖反〗 dull,blunt;

(13) 优雅的,雅致的(fashionably elegant):a~lady 优雅的女士;~manners 文雅的举止;〖同〗elegant,refined,well-bred,smart,stylish;〖反〗rough,crude;

(14) (讽) 真好(good;wonderful):That's a~excuse to make. 那可真是个好借口。

not to put too fine a point on it 直截了当地说:Not to put too~a point to it,I don't like him. 坦率地说,我并不喜欢他。

one of these fine days 总会有一天,有朝一日:You will regret it one of these~days. 总会有一天你要后悔的。

→′fineness n 精良(细),纯度,优雅;′finely adv 美好(华丽)地,细微地;精巧(细)地;

adv (1) 很好(very well) (inflm):work/cook/get along~工作顺利/烹调手艺很高/相处融洽;This pen will do~. 这只钢笔完全可以解决问题。Shall we meet on Saturday? That'll suit me~. 我们星期六见面好吗? 那对我太合适了。He is doing~in his new job. 他的新工作进展得很顺利。〖同〗 excellently;〖反〗poorly,badly;

(2) 细微地,精巧地(pulled or spun in a fine way) (常构成合成词):~-drawn 细(密)缝的;~-grained 纹理细密的;~-spun 精细的;

cut/run it fine (尤指时间) 几乎不留余地:I have cut it so~that I almost missed the train. 我把时间留得太少了,差一点耽误了火车。

【辨异】 finechoiceelegant 的区别见 CHOICE。





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