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单词 write


1.write oneself down as,describe oneself as,call one-self,claim to be 把自己写为,把自己说成,自称,声称是。
△2H.IV.1.2. 29 (26): “he had writ man”,i.e. hehad claimed to be a man,he had attained manhood.他就自称是成年男子;他就进入成年期了。
2. consider oneself to be 认为自己是。
△ Lr.5.3.36(35):“write happy”,i. e. consider yourself to be luck-y. 自认为幸运。
write against: denounce 写文斥责。
△Ado.4.1.56:“Iwill write against it.”我要写文章谴责它。
write down: ❶ set down 记下。
❷ delineate 描画。
△ 2H.IV. 1. 2. 204 (178): “Do you set down yourname in the scroll of youth,that are written down oldwith all the characters of age?”在你的身上已经写下(双关:描画出)一切老年的字样(双关:特征),难道你还把你自己的名字登记在年轻人的名册里吗?


v .承包,签署,编著,编撰,写法,著述,执笔,撰写
◇ and refer it to those concerned 批转
answer in writing 书面答复
be written all over it 显然是…干(写)的
free-lancer write 自由招待会
hand writing 手稿,手迹
in writing 以书面形式
nothing to write home about 取消某角色
notify in writing 书面通知
write a few words of encouragement 题材
write back to sb.复信
write down 写下,记下,把…描写成
write from memory 默写
write in serials写连载小说
write instructions or comments on a report submitted by a subordinate 提出书面要求
write in 把…写入,用…写
write off冲销,账,销,一气呵成
write off a bad debt注销一笔坏账
write on the blackboard 板书
write one’s name of the sender and the recipient written on a gift 落款
write one’s own ticket 自行决定
write out 全部写出,完成交易
write over 改写,重写
write up 提高账面价值,写文章赞扬
‖ hand writing 手稿
write and direct 编导
write data 写入数据
write down afterwards 追记
write false value added-tax invoices 虚开增值税发票
write-off 注销款项,注销
write-off of stores 注销物料
write protection写保护
write words for 作词
written agreement 书面协议
written application 书面申请
written audit procedure 书面审计程序表
written audit report 书面审计报告
written auditing 书面审计
written authorization核准书
written calculation 笔算
written constitution 成文宪法
written contract 书面合同
written direction 书面指示
written disability 写作能力缺失
written disclosure 书面公开
written doctrine 书面训令
written document 书面文件
written down value 减去折旧的资产价值
written evidence 字据
written examination 笔试
written form 书面形式
written indication 书面说明
written instruction 书面指示
written instructions or comments on a report 批示
written justification 辩护书
written law 成文法
written materials 书面材料
written message 书面通知,文字报道
written method of judging 记写评分法
written notice 书面通知
written off 摊提
written opinions 书面意见
written order 书面命令
written paper for loan 借据
written permission 书面许可
written pledge决心书
written reply 书面通知
written report 书面报告
written representation 书面申述
written statement 书面声明
written statement of claim 索赔清单
written test 笔试
written verdict 裁定书
written warning书面警告
written word 书写字,书面作业
writing and reading school 读写学校
writing brush 毛笔
writing brush dipped in red ink 朱笔
writing calculation 笔算
writing cash-secured puts 现金保证期权交易
writing class 写字课
writing desk 书桌
writing down value 冲账后账面价值
writing field书写区
writing for the blind 盲人读物
writing materials 素材
writing of the game 棋局记录
writing off uncollectible account 冲销坏账
writing paper 信纸,稿纸
writing translation 笔译
writings in classical Chinese文言文
writings in the vernacular 白话文
writings of dead author 遗作
writer n.期权销售者,期权卖方,作者,作家
writers association 作家协会
written adj. 书面的





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