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单词 writ


1. what is written,writing,document写下的东西,文字,文件。
△2H.VI.1.4.60 (57): “Now pray,my lord,let's see the devil's writ.”现在,大人,让我们来看看魔鬼写下的这个东西。
△Ham.5.2.51:“Folded the writ up inthe form of the other,”把这文书照原样叠好。
2. written order,mandate手令,令状。
△Lr.5.3.247(246):“for my writ/Is on the life of Lear and onCordelia.”因为我已经下了手令,要把李尔和考狄利娅处死。
△H.VIII.3.2.342(341):“That therefore such a writbe sued against you,”所以对你颁发了这样一个令状。
3. summons会议通知。
△2H.VI.5.3.26: “Let us pur-sue him ere the writs go forth.”我们要在会议通知发出之前追上他。
4. what is written,writing; dramatic composition(写下的)作品;剧作。
△Ham.2.2.429(401):“the law of writ”,(戏剧)写作的规律。
5. scripture圣经。
holy writ: Christian scripture基督教圣经。
△Oth.3.3325 (324):“As proofs of holy writ;”像是圣经上的证据。


pa. t.of write. wrote写。
△Lr.1.2.161 (143):“Ipromise you,the effects he writ of succeed unhappi-ly;”我可以告诉你,他在书上写的那些结果都不幸应验了。
△Rom.5.3.246:“Meantime I writ to Romeo,”同时我写信给罗米欧。
△H.V.3.7.42 (39): “I once writ asonnet in his praise and began thus: ‘Wonder of na-ture’—”有一回,我写了一首十四行诗赞美它,开头是这样的:“大自然的奇迹!”
△2H.VI.4.7.65 (60):“Kent,in theCommentaries Caesar writ./Is termed the civil'stplace of all this isle.”凯撒在《高卢战记》里写过,肯特是这个岛上最文明的地方。
△H.VIII.3.2.221 (220): “What'sthis? ‘To the Pope'?/ The letter,as I live,with allthe business/I writ to 's(= his) Holiness.”这是什么?“谨呈教皇”? 这正是,千真万确,我写给教皇的那封信,专为报告这件事的全部情况的。
△H.VIII.3.2.287 (286): “Thegoodness of your intercepted packets / You writ tothe Pope against the King.”你的美德就藏在你那些被截获的信袋里,其中有你写给教皇反对国王的密信。


pa. p.of write.
1. written写。
△Tw.3.4.44 (39):“'twas well writ.”写得很好。
△Rom.1.2.42 (41):“but I am sent to findthose persons whose names are here writ,and cannever find what names the writing person hath herewrit.”我奉派去找这些人,他们的名字是写在这里,可是我不知道那写字的人在这里写的是些什么名字。
△Rom.1.3.82:“And find delight writ there with beauty's pen;” i.e.And find pleasure in looking at Paris's face,becausebeauty is written there. 可以欣赏在那上面用美妙之笔写下的文章。(按:凯普莱特夫人在这段台词中,把帕里斯的脸比喻为一本书,并用书的种种特点来对比他脸上的各个部分。)
△ Rom.4.2. 1:“So many guests invite as here are writ.”在这上面写着的客人都给我请到。
△Rom.5.3.82: “One writwith me in sour misfortune’s book!”你这个跟我一同登录在厄运的黑册子中的人!
△Ham. 1. 2. 27: “we have herewrit / To Norway (= King of Norway),uncle ofyoung Fortinbras”,我写下一封信给挪威国王,年轻的福丁布拉斯的叔父。
2. written to 写给。
△Lr.1.4.356 (331): “What hehath uttered I have writ my sister;”他说的话我已经写信告诉我的妹妹。
writ down: written down,i.e. prescribed 写下来,规定下来。
△Ham.1.2.222: “And we did think it writdown in our duty / To let you know of it.” i. e. Wethought it part of our prescribed duty.我们认为按着规定下来的责任,应该让你知道这件事。
writ in one’s behalf: written letters of recommenda-tion for ... 为…写推荐信。
△ 2H.VI.4.1.63: “Thishand of mine hath writ (i.e. written) in thy behalf,”我这只手曾经为你写过推荐信。


n. 书面命令,传票,令状
‖ writ of delivery 强制交付令
writs of election选举令
writ of execution 执行令
writ of possession 占有土地执行令
writ of privilege民事案中被押犯人释放状
writ of special amnesty (pardon)特赦令
writ of summons 传票





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