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单词 find
find/faɪnd/ vt foundfound /faʊnd/];n

vt (1) (偶然)发现,碰到(discover in a particular place;come upon or meet with accidentally) [T+nT+n+prepT+n+advC+n+adj]:~a lot to do 看到有很多事情要做;He found it while digging in the backyard. 他是在后院挖坑时发现它的。~a book on a chair/a five-pound note in the street 在椅子上看见一本书/在大街上拣到一张五英镑钞票;~oneself in hospital 发现自己躺在医院里;~sb at home/sb out/sb in 发现某人在家/出门/在家;~sb asleep 发现某人睡着了;He found himself in the middle of an argument/of a dilemma. 他发现自己陷入争吵中/陷入进退两难的境地。~nobody about 发现周围没人;The man was found dead/dying/shot in the head. 发现那人已死/快要死了/被射中头部而死。〖同〗encounter;〖反〗lose,miss,overlook,misplace;

(2) 找到,发现(discover by effortstudysearchetc. ) [T+nT+n+prepD+n+nD+n+prep (for)]:Can you~something new to say on this subject? 关于这个主题你有什么新的想法要说吗? Have you found what you wanted? 你找到想要的东西了吗?~an answer to the boy's question/a cure for a disease/ways to solve a problem 给那个男孩的问题找到答案/找到治愈疾病的办法/找到解决问题的方法;Please help John~his book. 请帮约翰找到他的书。They have been digging for months,but little gold was found. 他们挖掘了好几个月,但没有找到什么金子。I found it under the bed. 我是在床下找到的。Will you~me an apartment/an apartment for me? 你能为我找一套公寓吗? 〖同〗 uncover,discover,detect;

(3) 找到(回)(get back (sb or sth that was lost) after a search) [T+nD+n+nD+n+prep (for)]:Have you found the missing child/the book you were hunting for? 你找到那个丢失的孩子/一直在搜寻的那本书了吗? His purse has not been found yet. 他的钱包还没有找到。Don't worry. I'll help you~the gloves. 别着急,我会帮你找到手套的。He found the lost dictionary for me. 他替我找到了丢失的词典。〖同〗 regain,recover,repossess;

(4) 得到,利用;提供(succeed in getting (the use of timemoneyetc);provide or supply) [T+n]:He managed to~(the) time to talk to me. 他设法抽出时间和我谈话。How will you~the money to buy the new house/for his education? 你怎样弄到钱买新房/供他上学? Where did you~the courage to ask her for money? 你哪儿来的勇气去找她要钱?

(5) 觉得,感到,发觉(think sth to be;experience (sth) as (goodbadetc);be aware of) [T+thatC+n+adj]:Do you~(that) it pays to be frank? 你认为真诚待人值得吗?~a good friend in sb 觉得某人是个好朋友;~the work very easy 觉得工作很容易;~the people (to be) very friendly/difficult to understand 感到那些人很友好/难于理解;~it difficult to answer an question 发觉这问题很难回答;How do you~your new secretary/your job? 你觉得你的新秘书/你的工作怎么样? He could not understand what his girl friend found wrong with him. 他弄不明白他的女朋友到底觉得他哪儿不好。

(6) (自然地)达到(reach naturally or without effort) [T+n]:The river~s its way to the sea. 河水流入大海。Water~s its own level. 水会自然找平。The bullet~s him/its mark . 子弹击中了他/目标。

(7) 裁决;判(认)定(determine to be guilty or innocent;declare as a verdict) [C+n+adj]:The woman was found guilty of shoplifting. 那个女人被判犯有在商店盗窃货品罪。How did the jury~the accused? 陪审团对被告是如何裁决的? 〖同〗determine,decide,rule,judge;

all/everything found 免费供膳宿:The holiday cost $300 all~. 假日旅游300美元,膳宿包括在内。

find expression in 在……中表现:His talent found expression in music. 他的才华在音乐方面表现出来。

find fault with sb/sth 挑某人(某物)的毛病,吹毛求疵:The boss is constantly~ing fault with me/with my work. 老板总是挑我的/我工作的毛病。

find favour with sb/in sb's eyes 得到某人的赞同或宠爱(器重):His suggestion didn't~favour with the manager. 他的建议没有得到经理的赞同。

find it in one's heart to do sth 忍心,有意,想:How can you~it in your heart to let the old man down? 你怎能忍心让那个老人失望呢?

find one's feet 能够应付某种新的情况(局面):At first the secretary found the new job difficult but she soon found her feet. 开始的时候,那个秘书发现新工作非常困难,但没过多久她便能应付自如了。

find one's tongue/voice 讲得出话;能表达出:The girl's question surprised him,and it was quite a while before he found his tongue. 那个女孩的话令他吃了一惊,过了好半天他才说出话来。

find one's way 到达:How did it~its way into print? 那怎么会付印的?

find for/against (v prep) 作出对某人有利/不利的判决:The jury found for/against the defendant. 陪审团作出对被告有利/不利的判决。

find oneself as 发觉自己有能力做……:After changing jobs many times,she finally found herself as a teacher. 在多次变换工作之后,她最终发现自己最适合做教师。

find sb in sth 供给:One of his friends found him in pocket money while he was in the university. 上大学期间,是他的一个朋友为他提供零用钱。

find out (v adv) 1) 弄清楚 (vi & vt) Please~out what time the train leaves. 请弄清楚火车什么时候发车。2) 把……揭发出来 (vi & vt):If you cheat on the test,the teacher would~you out. 如果你考试作弊,老师会抓住你的。

→′findable adj 可发现的;可找到的;′finder n 发现者,探测器;′finding n 发现(物);

n 发现(物);发现(sth found or discoveredesp something of value or interest;act of finding) [C]:The old book is a real/quite a~. 那本古籍是个真正的/相当大的发现。It was a good~. 那是个很好的发现。There have been many more important~s. 有许多重大的发现。make a great~有重大发现;〖同〗discovery





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