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wrackn. 1.shipwreck船只失事,船祸。 △Com.5.1.49:“Hath henot lost much wealth by wrack of sea?”他可曾因为海上船只失事而损失很多财产吗? △Gent.1.1.158(148):“Go,go,be gone,to save your ship from wrack,”去,去,去吧,去挽救你的船不至于沉没。 △Tw.5.1. 276 (266): “Ishall have share in this most happy wrack.”在这番最幸运的船祸中我也要沾点光哩。 △3H.VI.5.4.23: “Fromshelves and rocks that threaten us with wrack.”绕过那些会使船只沉没的险滩暗礁。 2. shipwrecked vessel,wreckage失事的船只,沉船残骸。 △H.V.1.2.165: “sunken wrack and sumless treasuries.”沉船的残骸和数不清的珍宝。 △R.III.1.4.24:“Me-thoughts I saw a thousand fearful wracks;”我觉得看见了千百只怕人的破船的残骸。 3. shipwrecked person船只失事的遭难者。 △Tw. 5.1.83(79):“a wrack past hope he was.”他本是一个毫无希望的遭难者。 4. wreck,destruction毁坏,破坏。 △1H.VI.1.1.135:“Hence grew the general wrack and massacre.”这样就发生了全面的溃败和屠杀。 △1H.VI.4.1.56:“Movedwith compassion of my country's wrack,”对于我国遭受的破坏不能无动于衷。 △2H.VI.1.3.126(123): “Sincethou wert king—as who is king but thou?—/Thecommonwealth hath daily run to wrack.”自从你做了国王——因为除了你还有谁是国王? ——国家一天一天遭到破坏。 △ R.III.1.2.128(127): “These eyes could not endurethat beauty's wrack;”我这双眼睛不能容忍你那美貌受到破坏。 △Mac.1.3.113: “or that with both/He laboured in his country's wrack,I know not;”或者两手并用,他力图颠覆自己的国家,我可不知道。 5. ruin毁灭,灭亡。 △2H.VI.1.2.104: “and thus,Ifear,at last/Hume's knavery will be the Duchess'wrack,”这么 一来,我担心,休姆的恶作剧最后将要导致公爵夫人的灭亡。 △3H.VI.2.2.5:“Ay,as the rocks cheerthem that fear their wrack.”是呀,就像礁石使得担心触礁遇难的人感到高兴一样。
wrackvt. 1.(of a ship) wreck使(船只)失事。 △Mac.1.3.28:“Here I have a pilot's thumb,/ Wracked as home-ward he did come. ”这是一个舵手的大拇指,他是在归航途中失了事。 2. destroy摧毁。 △R.III.4.1.95:“Eighty odd years ofsorrow have I seen,/And each hour's joy wrackedwith a week of teen.”我已经见识了八十多年的悲怆,一小时的欢乐接着是一星期的哀伤。 wrack[ræk]v.毁坏,失事 n.残骸,失事 |