vb. hurt伤害。
△2H.VI.5.2.32:“Fear framesdisorder,and disorder wounds/Where it shouldguard.”恐惧引起混乱,而混乱在应该防卫的地方造成了伤害。
pa. p.of wind. entwined缠绕。
△3H.VI.5.154: “This hand,fast wound about thy coal-blackhair,”这只手,紧紧揪着你那乌黑的头发。
wound up: ready for action准备完成。
△Mac.1.3.37:“Peace,the charm's wound up.”i.e. ready for ac-tion to deal with Macbeth. 别作声,魔法已经完成。
v.受伤 n.伤口,创伤
‖ wound and disability pension 伤残抚恤金
wounded adj. 受伤的,伤员
wounded and sick 伤病人员
wounded in action 战斗负伤
wounded nest 伤兵收容所
wounding n.伤害罪
wounding with intent 故意伤害