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单词 would


vb. aux.
1. should 应该。
△ Mac.1. 7. 34: “Which would beworn now in their newest gloss./ Not cast aside sosoon.”(像衣服一样)正该乘它光彩崭新就穿在身上,不要这么快就抛弃掉。
△Mac.4.3.193:“But I have words / Thatwould be howled out in the desert air.”但是我有几句话,那是应该在荒无人烟的地方去喊叫出来的。
2. must,ought to 必须,应当。
△Mac. 3. 1.50 (49):“and in his royalty of nature / Reigns that whichwould be feared.”i.e. and in his kingly,noble naturethere dwells much that one ought to fear. 在他那高贵的天性之中有某种令人不得不畏惧的东西。
3. could 能。
△Ham. 5.2.175 (167): “and it wouldcome to immediate trial,if your lordship wouldvouchsafe the answer.”只要殿下慨然应战,现在立刻就可以比赛。
4. were to 倘若。
△2H. IV.4.2.13:“Would he abuse the countenance of the King,”倘若他滥用了国王的宠信。
~ vb.
1.would like,wish,desire 想,希望,期望。
△L.L.L.2.1.46:“Nothing becomes him ill that he would well.”凡是他存心良善的事,没有一桩做出来是使他有失体面的。
△Tw.1.5.288 (267): “Why,what would you?”i.e.what do you desire? 啊,你想要怎样呢?
△Lr.1.4. 242(219):“I would you would make use of your good wisdom.”我希望你能够运用你的明智。
△H.V. 2. Cho.18:“What might’st thou do. that honour would thee do,”凡是荣誉所期望你去做的事业,你有什么不能够完成?
△H.V.2.1.85 (81):“Mine host Pistol,you must come to mymaster,and your hostess. He is very sick,and wouldto bed.” i.e. Sir John Falstaff is now very ill andwould like to go to bed. (The boy is Falstaff’s page,so “my master” is Sir John.) 我的店主皮司多,你一定要到我主人那里来一趟。他病得很厉害,只想上床躺着。
△1H.VI.4.2. 5:“And thus he would:Open your city gates. / Behumble to us,call my sovereign yours. / And do himhomage as obedient subjects,”他要求你们:把你们的城门打开,对我们恭顺,把我的君王称为你们的君王,以顺民的身份向他行臣民之礼。
△ R.III.5.3.92 (91):“that which I would,Icannot,”i.e.I cannot fight openly on your side.though I want. 我想做的事却不能做。
2. wish that 希望,但愿。
△Oth.2.3.188 (186): “Andwould in action glorious (i.e. war) I had lost / Thoselegs that brought me to a part of it.”真愿意在光荣的战争中失去使我踏进这场争斗中的这两条腿。
3. wish to,desire to,want to 想,要。
△1H. VI. 2. 2.37: “Here is the Talbot. Who would speak with him?”塔尔博特在此。谁想跟他说话呢?
△Ham.1.1.45: “Itwould be spoke to.”它要人对它说话。
△Ham.2.2.572(540):“You could,for a need,study a speech of somedozen lines,or sixteen lines. which I would set downand insert in ’t,could you not?”必要时,我想写一段十来行到十六行的台词插进戏里,你能背出来吗?
△ Ham.3.2.387(364): “You would play upon me,you would seem to know my stops,you would pluck out the heart of mymystery,you would sound me from my lowest note tothe top of my compass:”你要玩弄我,你以为你知道我的心窍,你要探出我心里的秘密,你要把我的音域里的最低音试到最高音。
△Ham.4.7.118: “That we would do,/ Weshould do when we would,for this ‘would’ changes.”我们想要做一件事.在想要做的时候便应该做.因为这“想要”是会变的。
4. would have. wish to have,require 想要,希望有,需要。
△H.V.4.1.31: “I and my bosom must debate awhile. / And then I would no other company.”我心里有事.要自己盘算一下.在这种时候我不想有人陪伴。
△ H.V.5.2.68:“If,Duke of Burgundy,you would the peace,”如果,勃艮第公爵,你们想要和平。
△2H.VI.2.3.21:“Sor-row would solace and mine age would ease.”忧伤需要安慰,我这衰暮之年也需要休息。
5. would like to do,wish to do 想做,希望做。
△Ham. 4.5.124 (125): “That treason can but peep to what itwould,”叛逆者只能来窥看,却无从实行他的野心。
6. wished,desired,required 希望,愿望,要求。
△As.3.2.162 (153): “Heaven would that she these gifts should have,”上天注定让她具有这种种的秉赋。
7. was accustomed to,was wont to 习惯于,惯常于。
△ Oth. 1.3.147: “But still the house affairs would draw her thence;”但是家务事总常常把她从那里支走。
8. wanted to想要,偏要。
△Mac.1.7.51: “Nor timenor place/Did then adhere,and yet you would makeboth.”i.e. Then neither the time nor the place weresuitable for the murder,and yet you wanted to makeboth serve your purpose.那时候,无论时间和地点都不适宜,你却偏要实现你的愿望。
9.i.e.I would,I wish我愿,我希望,但愿,宁愿。
△Tw.1.3.66 (61):“An thou let part so,Sir Andrew,wouldthou mightest never draw sword again!”要是你让她这样走了,安德鲁爵士,我愿你永远不再拔出剑来充汉子!
△Tw. 3.1.115(103): “For his thoughts,/ Would they wereblanks,rather than filled with me”至于他的心思,我宁愿它是一片空白,也不愿它充满了我。
△Ham.3.4.16:“And. would it were not,so,you are my mother.”而且——我但愿不是! ——你还是我的母亲。
△3H.VI.3.2.125:“ Would he were wasted,marrow,bones,and all.”但愿他的身子连骨髓、骨头全部耗尽。
△H.VIII.5.3.82(5.2.117):“Would you were half so honest!”我希望你能有我一半的忠实就好了!
would I or not: whether I wanted it or not不管我要不要。
△Tw.1.5. 322 (301): “He left this ring behindhim,/ Would I or not.”他不管我要不要,硬把这个戒指留在这里了。
would fain be doing: be eager to get on with the busi-ness巴不得把事情早点办好。
△Shr.2.1.74: “O pardonme,Signior Gremio,I would fain be doing ”啊,请原谅,格莱米欧先生,我急想作成这门亲事。


◇ would rather 宁愿,宁可
‖ would-be[ˈwudbi:]adj.想要成为的,自称的,所谓的
would-be philosophy 自命的哲学家





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