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单词 worthy


n. anything of excellence优异之处。
△L.L.L.4.3.236 (232): “Where several worthies make onedignity,”许许多多美点使她成为一位绝色美女。


1. of the value of具有…的价值。
△1H.VI.4.7.68:“Knight of the noble Order of Saint George,/ Wor-thy Saint Michael,and the Golden Fleece,”(Order of Saint George: an English order of knighthood; SaintMichael: a French order of knighthood; Golden Fleece: an order of knighthood of the Holy RomanEmpire)高贵的圣乔治勋章骑士,相当于圣米迦勒及金羊毛骑士称号。
2. deserving,befitting该得…的,适合…的。
△Gent. 1.2.6:“which is worthiest love?” i.e. which is most deserving love?哪一个最值得爱?
△Wiv.5.5.66 (60):“Worthy the owner. and the owner it.”大厦配得上主人,主人也配得上大厦。
△Oth.5.2.158(160):“This deedof thine is no more worthy heaven/Than thou wastworthy her.”你这种行为不配得到上天饶恕,正像你这个人不配得到她的爱。
△2H.VI.3.1.241: “And yet we havebut trivial argument,/ More than mistrust,thatshows him worthy death.”而我们除了怀疑之外,只有脆弱无力的证据去表明他死有应得。
3. worthy of,earning,justifying值得,赢得,证明正当。
△Lr.2.4.44: “Your son and daughter found thistrespass worthy / The shame which here it suffers.”你的女婿和女儿就认为我这点过错该当受这种羞辱。
4. based on worth,well-founded,well deserved,justi-fiable以个人价值为基础的,有充分根据的,理所应得的,正当的。
△1H.IV.3.2.98: “He hath more worthy interest tothe state”,他对于王位倒有更正当的要求权利。
△R.III.1.2.86: “And by despairing shalt thou stand excused /For doing worthy vengeance on thyself,/That didstunworthy slaughter upon others.”你既然冤杀了他人,现在自绝于世、以死相报,也是理所当然。
5. substantial,well-founded,ample实际上的,有充分根据的,充分的。
△Oth.3.3.254: “As worthy cause I haveto fear I am,”因为我有充分理由恐怕我真是如此。
6. valuable,estimable贵重的,值得尊重的。
△As.3.3.61(59):“a walled town is more worthier than a village,”一座大城总比一个小村更受尊重。
7. respectable可尊敬的。
△R.III.3.7.238 (240):“Longlive King Richard,England's worthy King!”英国的尊君,理查王万岁!
8. noble 高贵的。
△Lr.5.3.180(179):“ Worthyprince,I know't.”高贵的王爷,我知道。
9. suitable合适的。
△3H.VI.4.1.3:“Hath not ourbrother made a worthy choice?”我们的兄长是不是做出了合适的选择?
10. deserving praise,excellent值得赞美的,极好的。
△Oth.3.3.223:“Cassio's my worthy friend”,凯西奥是我的好朋友。
△Ham.1.5.163:“A worthy pioner!”真是一个好工兵!
△1H.IV.2.4.511(459): “wherein worthy,but in nothing?”他所做的事情又有哪一件值得赞扬?没有。
△H.VIII.3.2.71:“This same Cranmer's/A wor-thy fellow,and hath ta’en (=taken) much pain / Inthe King’s business.”这位克兰默真是个了不起的人,为了国王的事情出了不少力。
worthy policy: excellent stratagem,sound scheme 极好的计谋,稳妥的方案。
△2H.VI.3.1.235: “That heshould die is worthy policy;”让他死自然是一条好计。


vt. make a worthy,i.e. hero,of; win honourfor 使…成为一个大人物(英雄);为…赢得光荣。
△Lr.2.2.127 (120): “And put upon him such a deal of man /That worthied him,”装出好汉的神气,显得是了不起的人物。





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