释义 |
wondern. 1.miracle,matter of surprise 奇迹,奇事。 △Com.3.2.32: “earth’s wonder”,i.e. Queen Elizabeth 大地的奇迹(指英国女王伊利莎白一世)。 △Rom.3.3.36: “the whitewonder”,i. e. the white miracle,the wonderfulwhiteness.雪白的奇迹,奇迹般的雪白,皎洁。 △ 3H.VI. 3.2.113:“That would be ten day’s wonder at the least.”i.e. greater than the proverbial “nine day’s wonder”.那至少也会成为十天的奇迹。 △ H.VIII.5.5. 56 (5.4.55):“Thou speakest wonders.”你说的话太奇妙了。 2. prodigy 怪物。 △ 1H.VI.4.7.48:“Whose life was England's glory,Gallia's wonder.”他们生前是英国的光荣、法国的灾星。 3. disgraceful exhibition出丑,丢人现眼。 △2H.VI.2.4.46: “Was made a wonder and a pointing-stock / Toevery idle rascal follower.”被人强迫着当众出丑,还受到每一个游手好闲的贱民跟随着指指点点嘲笑。 △2H.VI.2.4.69:“These few day's wonder will be quickly worn.”这几天的丢人现眼很快就会过去了。 4. surprise,astonishment,bewilderment惊奇,惊讶,迷惑。 △Ado.4.1.241 (239): “the wonder of her infa-my.”关于她的丑闻所引起的惊奇。 △Ham.4.5.89:“Feedson this wonder.”i.e. broods over his shocked surpriseat his father's mysterious death. 只顾满心惊疑。 5. admiration钦佩。 △H.V.1.1.49: “And the mutewonder lurketh in men’s ears/To steal his sweet and honeyed sentences;”(Personification)i.e. It seems asif admiration lies hidden and dumb in men's ears.无言 的钦佩之情就躲在人们的耳朵里悄悄窃取他那美妙的谈吐。
wondervt. marvel at对…感到惊讶。 △Gent.5.4.169:“you will wonder what hath fortuned.”你对于所发生的事情会感到大为惊讶的。 ~vi. be struck with surprise,be amazed,marvel感到惊奇,感到诧异,感到惊讶。 △3H.VI.1.1.1:“I wonderhow the king escaped our hands.”我感到惊奇,国王怎么会从我们手中逃脱。 △3H.VI.5.6.74:“The midwife won- dered and the women cried./‘O Jesus bless us,he isborn with teeth!’”接生婆惊异,女人们大叫:“啊,耶稣保佑我们,他一生下来就长着牙齿!” △Tw.5.1.370(358):“Which I have wonder'd at.”对其我感到惊异。 wonder[ˈwʌndə]n.奇迹,惊奇 ‖ for a wonder 说来奇怪,意想不到地 in wonder 充满惊奇 no wonder 难怪,不足为奇 wonder child 神童 wonderful adj.奇妙的,精彩的 wonderful foresight 神机妙算 wonderfully v. 惊讶,怀疑,想知道 wonderingly 想知道,诧异 |