释义 |
witnessedpa. p. given evidence,testified,proved,confirmed得到证据,得到证实,被证明,被确定。 △Mac.4.3.184: “Which was to my belief witnessed the rath-er.”i.e.This rumour was further confirmed. 这消息我相信已经得到证实。
witnessedp. a. testified,proved得到证实的,已被证明的。 witnessed usurpation: witness of the usurpation,evi-dence of the ocean's encroachment on the shore, wrinkles left on the sand beach by the retreating tide篡夺的见证,海洋侵占海岸的证据,退潮在海滩上所留下的波纹。 △2H.IV.1.1.62: “So looks the strond whereon theimperious flood / Hath left a witnessed usurpation.”当专横霸道的潮水退去之后,海滩上也会留下这样遭受过侵凌的痕迹。 |