withholdvt. 1. hold back,restrain,hinder 阻止,抑制,阻碍。 △2H.VI.5.1.151: “Oft have I seen a hoto’erweening cur / Run back and bite,because he waswithheld,”我常看见一只暴躁放肆的狗,一受到约束就扭头跑过去咬人。 △3H.VI.2.2.7: “Withhold revenge,dearGod!”遏制报仇行为吧,亲爱的上帝! 2. keep back instead of granting,confiscate 扣押,没收。 △As.5.4.175 (168): “To one his (i.e. Oliver’s)lands withheld,”给这一个,你送来的是他被没收的土地。 withhold[wiðˈhəud]v.坚持,阻挡,保留 ‖ withhold payment 不予支付,免费 withhold payment 免费 withhold the tax 代扣代缴税款 withholding agent 税款扣缴义务人 withholding at source 从源扣缴税款 withholding exemption and reduction 预提税减免 withholding exemption certificate 预提税免税证 withholding income tax 扣缴所得税 withholding income tax return 预扣所得税申报表 withholding of payment 止兑 withholding of tax 扣缴税款 withholding statement 扣缴税款清单,扣缴税款凭单 withholding tax 预提税,代扣所得税,扣缴 withholding tax on interest 利息预提款withholding tax rate 预提税率,代扣税率 withholding tax statement 扣缴税款凭单
withhold[wiðˈinhəuld]v.扣压 |