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单词 withal


1. with it,therewith以此,因之。
△Gent.2.7. 67: “Ifear me he will scarce be pleased withal.”我怕的是,他也不见得为此而高兴吧。
△Rom.1.1.118 (112):“nothinghurt withal,”丝毫也未因之受伤。
△H.V.1.2.214:“Di-vide your happy England into four,/ Whereof takeyou one quarter into France,/And you withal shallmake all Gallia shake.”把你的前途有望的英格兰分为四份,你只把其中的四分之一带到法兰西,拿它就足够让整个的高卢发抖。
△R.III.4.4.279 (278): “And bid her wipe herweeping eyes withal.”叫她用它来擦一擦她那双流泪的眼睛。
2. with this.with that以这,以那。
△3H.VI.3.3.226:“Thou seest what's passed: go fear thy king withal.”这里发生的事你都看见了;回去就拿这个来吓一吓你那位国王吧。
3. with all this,with it以这一切,以此。
△Ado.1.2.23(21): “but I will acquaint my daughter withal.”但是我要把这一切告诉我的女儿。
4. with the whole matter把这件事。
△As.1.1.139(131):“therefore out of my love to you,I came hitherto acquaint you withal,”因此,出于对您的好意,我来把这件事告诉您。
5. together with this,at the same time跟这个一起,与此同时。
△L.L.L.5.2.874 (866): “And I will have youand that fault withal;”我愿意连同你这一个缺点把你接受下来。
△Shr.1.2.82 (81):“Why,nothing comes amiss,so money comes withal.”嗨,只要有钱可捞,怎么样都行。
△Mer.2.7.12:“If you choose that,then I am yourswithal.”你若是选中了那个,我也就属于你了。
△1H.IV.3.1. 142(141):“and withal / Break with your wives ofyour departure hence.”同时也把你们离开这里的事透露给你们二位的妻子。
△H.V.2.4.34:“How modest in excep-tion,and withal / How terrible in constant resolu-tion.”提出异议的时候态度是多么克制,同时他那坚定的决心又是多么可怕。
△1H.VI.2.4.37: “I pluck this red rosewith young Somerset,/ And say withal,I think heheld the right.”我跟年轻的萨默塞特一起摘下这朵红玫瑰,同时还要说,我认为他拥有真理(又译:正当权利)。
△R.III.1.1.103:“I do beseech your Grace to pardon me,andwithal / Forbear your conference with the nobleDuke.”我请求阁下原谅我,同时请你不要再跟这位高贵的公爵谈话。
△R.III.1.3.346 (345): “But sirs,be sudden inthe execution,/ Withal obdurate,do not hear him plead: ”但是二位,干活要利索,同时心肠要硬,别听他恳求。
△R.III.4.5.7: “Withal say that the Queen hathheartily consented /He should espouse Elizabeth herdaughter.”同时告诉他王后已经真心同意让他娶她的女儿伊利莎白为妻。
6. in addition,besides,moreover,also另外,此外,而且,也。
△ As.2.7.47: “I must have liberty/Withal.”另外,我还得有自由。
△Mac. 4.3.41: “I think withal/There would be hands uplifted in my right;” i.e.hands lifted up for my right to the throne. 我也想到总会有人愿意为了我的(王位)权利奋臂而起。
△1H.IV.4. 3.103:“and withal to pry/Into his title,”而且还要对于他的王位权利进行考察。
△1H.IV.5.3.183(184):“And thiswithal.”另外,还有这个。
△R.III.1.3.132(131):“Whatyou have been ere this,and what you are;/ Withal,what I have been,and what I am.”在此以前你曾是什么人,现在又是什么人;此外,我过去是什么人,现在又是什么人。
△H.VIII.3.2.165(164):“And if you may confess it,say withal/If you are bound to us,or no.”如果你承认属实,那么你再说说你对我是否应该感恩。


△Wiv.1.4.10:“An honest,willing,kind fellow,as ever servant shall come in housewithal;”一个老实、听话、和善的家伙,这才是到人家里当仆人的料呢。(按:这句话可有两种解释: ❶servant指Quickly,fel-low指Rugby,意谓Rugby是一个仆人的好同伴;
△Wiv.2.1. 88(86): “one that I am not ac-quainted withal;”一个我不认识的人。
△L.L.L.2.1.66:“but a merrier man,/ Within the limit of becomingmirth,/ I never spent an hour's talk withal.”在我所与之谈话一小时的人们当中,还没有什么人像他那样会说笑话而又不出格的人。
△Shr.5.1.21 (20): “He is within...butnot to be spoken withal.”他在家,可是不能见人。
△Rom.1.5.119(115):“I nursed her daughter that you talkedwithal.”我奶大了她的女儿,就是你刚才和她谈话的那位小姐。
△Ham.2.2.223(215): “You cannot,sir,take from me any thing that I will not more willingly part with-al—except my life,”(The double negative is used toexpress the desire of emphasis.)先生,你不能再向我请求什么我所更愿给的东西——除了我的生命。
2. with用,以。
△Shr.1.2.116 (115): “have no moreeyes to see withal”. 眼睛什么也看不见。
△Com.5.1.209:“he burthens me withal”,他用以指控我的。
△Mer.3.1.29 (26):“I for my part knew the tailor that madethe wings she flew withal.”以我而论,我还知道是哪一个裁缝给她做的翅膀,让她飞出去。
△Tw.3.4.257 (232):“whatyouth,strength,skill,and wrath can furnish manwithal.”凡年轻、力壮、武艺、愤怒所能为人提供的一切。
3. with由于。
△2H.IV.1.2. 138 (120):“Rather,and'tplease you,it is the disease of not listening,the mala-dy of not marking,that I am troubled withal.”不如说,大人容禀,我得的是一种不能听、不留心的病。
4. with对于。
△As.3.2.329 (309): “I'll tell you whoTime ambles withal,who Time trots withal,whoTime gallops withal,and who he stands still withal.”我可以告诉你时间对谁是溜蹄缓行,对谁是细步小跑,对谁是疾驰狂奔,对谁是停步不前。





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