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you. 他一定会同样向你报复的。


1. by 被。
△Gent.2.1.32 (30): “now you are meta-morphosed with a mistress,”现在你有了情人,就变了样子。
△Wiv.3.5. 113 (109):“to be detected with a jealousrotten bell-wether;”几乎被一只嫉妒成性的挂铃铛的阉羊所发现。
△Tw.1.5.89 (84): “I saw him put down theother day with an ordinary fool,”有一天我看见他被一个下等小丑给说倒了。
△Ham.4.7.32: “That we can letour beard be shook with danger / And think it pas-time.”我能让自己的胡子被危险揪来揪去,还只当是开玩笑。
△Lr.2.4. 308 (305): “He is attended with a desper-ate train,”跟随他的是一帮亡命之徒。
△ Oth.1.1.125(124):“Transported with no worse nor better guard /But with a knave of common hire,a gondolier.”身边没有其他人保护,只有一个雇来的普通船夫运送。
△Mac.3.1.63 (62):“Thence to be wrenched with an unlinealhand,”以后却要被异姓的人夺走。
△1H.VI.1.1.136:“Enclosed were they with their enemies.”他们被敌人包围了。
△R.III. 1.3. 52:“But thus his simple truth mustbe abused / With silken,sly. insinuating Jacks?”他这单纯的忠诚本性就一定要这样被那些娇里娇气、狡诈,爱阿谀奉承的下贱东西们所歪曲吗?
2. (called) by 被(称为)。
△2H. IV . 2. 2. 144 (132):“Jack Falstaff with my familiars,John with mybrothers and sisters,and Sir John with all Europe.”(Falstaff claims a European reputation.) 我的知己朋友称我为杰克·福斯塔夫,我的兄弟姊妹称我为约翰,全欧洲都称我为约翰爵士。
3. by virtue of 凭借。
△1H.VI.1.2.84:“And whereasI was black and swart before. / With those clear rayswhich she infused on me,/ That beauty am I blestwith which you may see.”我原本是黑头发、黑皮肤,但凭借着她照射在我身上的明亮的光辉,我才有了你现在所能看到的美貌。
4. by means of,through 用,通过。
△Rom.5.3.293:“That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love.”上天用(你们儿女的)爱情来毁掉了你们的幸福(又译:你们的儿女)。
△3H.VI.3.1.84:“Look,as I blow this featherfrom my face,/ And as the air blows it to me again,/Obeying with my wind when I do blow,”看吧,我把这根羽毛从我面前吹走,风又把它刮回到我身边,当我吹气时它受我的气息控制。
5. on,upon 依靠,凭。
△Mac.4.2. 32:“What,withworms and flies?”怎么,靠着吃小虫、飞蛾吗?
6. of .
△3H.VI.2. 5. 57: “This man whom hand tohand I slew in fight / May be possessed with some store of crowns,”我在肉搏中亲手杀死的这个人大概身上带有不少金币。
7. at 在。
△ Oth.2.3. 7: “To-morrow with your earliest / Let me have speech with you.”明天你在尽早的时候来,我有话跟你说。
8. in the custody of 在…监护之下。
△2H.VI. 2.3.12:“Live in your country here in banishment,/ With Sir John Stanley. in the Isle of Man.”在约翰·斯坦莱爵士监护下押往曼岛,在你有生之年一直在国内过放逐生活。
9. before the bar of 在…的法庭上。
△ Oth.3.4.151(152):“Arraigning his unkindness with my soul;”在我内心的法庭上控告他无情。
10. from 由于。
△ Oth.3.3.285:“Faith,that’s with watching”;真的,这是因为缺乏睡眠。
11.against 逆着。
△3H.VI.1.4.19: “as I have seen a swan / With bootless labour swim against the tide / nd spend her strength with over-matching waves.”像我见过的一只天鹅逆着潮水拼命泅水、毫无结果,不过顶着无比强大的浪涛把自己的力气耗尽。
12. against,despite,in spite of 顶着,不管,不顾。
△R.III.5.3.105 (104): “I’ll strive with troubled thoughts to take a nap,”我虽然心烦意乱,还是要努力打个盹。
13. like,in the same way as 像,与…一样。
△2H.IV.2.3.62: “’Tis with my mind/ As with the tide swelled up unto his(= its) height.”我的心思好像是潮水涨到了最高点。
△1H.VI.5.3.34:“See how the ugly witch doth bend her brows,/ As if,with Circe,she would change my shape!”看这个丑陋的女巫皱紧双眉,像喀耳刻一样,仿佛她能把我的形状也改变了似的!
14. in addition to,beside 除了…之外。
△ Mac.4.3.76:“ With this,” i.e. in addition to this. 除此之外。
△3H.VI.4.6.58:“But with the first of all your chief affairs,/ Let me entreat. for I command no more,”但是,在你们听要商讨的一切首要大事之外,让我提出一个请求,因为我再不发号施令了…
△H.VIII.3.2.5: “you shall sustain moe new disgraces / With these you bear already.”你们除了已经遭受的这些耻辱之外,还要遭受更多新的耻辱。
Phrases and Expressions:
I shall be with you: (expression of threat) I shall be even with you; I’ll trounce you (威胁语)我要跟你把账算清;我要痛打你。
△H.VIII.5.4.30 (5.3. 29):“I shall be with you presently,good Master Puppy.”我马上就来跟你算账了,你这小狗崽子先生。 with all my heart: heartily,most sincerely 衷心地,最诚挚地。
△Oth.4.1.229(216):“with all my heart,Sir.” i.e. I heartily thank you. 衷心致谢,先生。
with child: humped 隆起(由“怀孕”而联想)。
△L. L. L. 4.3.90 (88):“Her shoulder is with child.”她的肩膀好像怀了孕。
with heels: ❶ (run) with heels,i.e. with speed 抬脚就(跑),快(跑)。
❷ (spurn) with heels,i.e. indignantly 抬脚就(踢),生气地(踢)。
△Mer. 2.2.9:“do not run,scorn runnin g with thy heels.”别跑,要把想逃跑的念头一脚踢开。(双关。)
with your safest haste: with all the haste that your safety demands; as quickly as possible,for your own safety.为了你的安全,愈快愈好。
△As.1.3. 44 (41):“dispatch you with your safest haste,”为了你的安全,尽快做出准备。


prep. 同…一起,用
◇ be in with sb.和某人友好相处,与某人结伙,深得人欢心
be with 同意
have done with做完,用毕,已和…断绝关系…无关
have sth. to do with 与…有点关系
have to do with 与…有点关系,与…打交道
in with跟…相处得好,得到…信任
off with 去掉
with a right to vote 有表决权
with a whole skin 不受处罚地
with closed doors 秘密地
with effect 有效
with effect from …由…起生效
with force and arms 用武力
with that接着就
‖ with a guilty conscience,have sth. on one’s conscience 做贼心虚
with autographed dedication 亲笔题赠的
with average 单独海损赔偿
with costs 应付诉讼费
with ease裕如
with enclosure 连附件
with equal authenticity 具有同等效力的
with immediate effect 实时生效
with irresistible force势如破竹
with justice on one’s side one is hold and assured 理直气壮
with lofty ideals,integrity,knowledge and a strong sense of discipline 有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律
with minor deviations 未符合次要的规定
with profit policy 分红人寿保险单
with relish,to do sth. with zest 津津有味
with retrospective effect 追溯生效日期,有效日期追溯至
with rights 附认股权
with the deepening of economic reforms 随着经济改革的深入





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