n. i.e.notice口哨;(引申义)注意。
△Lr.4.2.29: “I have been worth the whistle.”i.e.There was atime when I was worthy of notice. (cf. the proverb.“It is a poor dog that is not worth the whistling.”) 往常我还值得人对我吹吹口哨呢(又译:值得人注意呢)。(按:whistle又作whistling,意同。)
vb. whistle off: release (hawk) from fist,set (an un-tamed hawk) free把(鹰)从手上放出,把(不驯的鹰)释放。
△Oth.3.3.260: “If I do prove her haggard,Though that her jesses were my dear heart-strings,I'd whistle her off,and let her down the wind”,(If hawks were released down the wind,they seldom re-turned.)倘使我证明了她真是野性不驯,哪怕系着她的带子是自己的心弦,我也要吹一声口哨放她顺风而去。
n. 口 哨(声),汽笛(声),哨子v. 吹哨,鸣笛,啸叫
◇ blow the whistle on sb.使某人立即停止做某事
clean as a whistle 非常清洁
wet one’s whistle 喝饮料
whistle in the dark 给自己壮胆,吹口哨
whistle down the wind 放弃,白费口舌,诽谤
‖ whistle code 哨音符号
whistle signal 哨声信号
whistler valve 笛阀
whistling arrow 响箭
whistling sound 啸声
whistling tone 哨音口哨(声),汽笛(声)