wheeln. 1. (probably) spinning-wheel,at which women sangballads: refrain(或指)纺轮;(又指)叠句。 △Ham. 4. 5.171 (172):“O how the wheel becomes it!”啊,这歌声和纺轮多么调和! 2. i.e. wheel of fortune(指)命运的车轮。 △Lr.5. 3. 176(175):“The wheel is come full circle,I am here.”命运的车轮整整转了一个循环,我现在落到这个地步。 Phrase: wheel of fire: one of the punishments inflicted uponthe damned in hell in the medieval legends火轮(中世纪传说中下地狱的人所受到的一种刑罚)。 △Lr.4.7.46 (45):“Thou art a soul in bliss,but I am bound / Upon awheel of fire,that mine own tears / Do scald likemolten lead.”你是一个有福的灵魂,但我却被缚在火轮上,我的眼泪像熔化的铅一样烫人。 wheel[(h)wi:l]n.轮,车轮,轮子 ◇ a big wheel 大人物/a fly on the wheel 自高自大者 at the wheel of sth.驾驶 at the wheel主持工作 break a butterfly on the wheel 小题大做 wheels with wheels 错综复杂 ‖ wheel and deal 洽谈,讨价还价 wheel angle indicator 舵角指示器 wheel around 转身 wheel barrow 手推车 wheel center distance轮距 wheel change 换车轮 wheel curriculum 轮状课程 wheel rear back shot 急停跳起反拉射门 wheel recess 起落架舱,有轮子的 wheel theory 轮转理论 |