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单词 field
field/fi:ld/ nv [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1) 田地,牧场(a piece of land enclosed for growing crops or keeping animals)[C]:rice~s 稻田;a~of cotton 棉花地;work in the~s 在田里干活;The footpath runs through the~s. 小路在田地中穿过。a house surrounded by~s 被田地围绕的房子;plant the~s 种地;get the~ready for spring planting 整地准备春播;

(2) 原(旷)野(broad area of land without forestsmountainsor towns) [C] (通常构成合成词):a snow/an ice~雪原/冰原;beast of the~野兽;

(3) 场地,运动(球)场(wide open area used for a particular purpose or where a sport takes place) [C] (通常构成合成词):a baseball~棒球场;playing/flying~s 运动场/飞行场;Soccer is played on a rectangular~. 足球是在长方形的场地上进行比赛。〖同〗 court;

(4) (矿物的)产地,(煤、油)田(piece of land where minerals or other natural resources are found) [C] (通常构成合成词):a coal~煤田;gold~s 黄金产地;a North Sea oil~ 北海油田;a maiden/a developed~未开采/已开采的矿区;

(5) 领域,方面,范围,界(range or category of knowledgeintereststudyetc) [C]:in the~s of literature/medicine 在文学领域/医学界;be well-known in one's~在自己的领域很有名;outside one's~超出了某人的专业范围;an interesting~for/of study 非常有趣的研究领域;What are your main~s of interest? 你感兴趣的主要领域是什么? What~are you in? 你所从事的领域是什么? There's a big~for research work. 研究的范围很大。〖同〗territory,region,sphere,occupation,profession,line;

(6) (物理学的)场(particular area that is affected or in which forces can be feltobserved) [C]:a gravitational/magnetic~重力场/磁场;There is a~of force at the end of a magnet. 磁铁的端点有一个磁力场。

(7) (眼睛,照相机,望远镜等的) 视野(域,界) (area of observation of the eyeor some optical instrumentssuch as a camera or telescope) [C]:the~of a telescope 望远镜的视野;a~of observation/view/vision 视界(野);in one's~of vision 在某人的视力范围之内;the visual~视界;〖同〗 scope,range,area,extent,reach,expanse,sweep,stretch;

(8) 战场(地) (scene or place of battle) [C]:a battle-~/the~of battle 战场;The soldier was honoured for bravery in the~. 那个士兵因在战场上作战英勇而被授予勋章。His son fell on the~of Waterloo. 他的儿子在滑铁卢战场上牺牲了。hold/lose the~坚守阵地/阵地失守;

(9) (全体)参赛运动员(马等);(棒球比赛中)外场守场队(peoplehorsesetc taking part in a race or certain games in cricket and baseball;team that is not batting) [C]:Five of his horses were among a~of twenty. 在总共20匹参赛的马匹中有他的五匹。a good~强大的选手阵容;the defensive~守方;

play the field 与数个异性交往;做事东一榔头西一棒子(指做事不专一):play the~before settling down 在结婚之前与几个异性朋友交往;

take the field 参加战斗;开始比赛:Their regiment will be the first to take the~. 他们团将首批投入战斗。

win the field 获得胜利:The~was won after a whole day's fighting. 经过一整天的战斗而获胜。

→′field-day n 军事演习日;运动会;′field-events n 田赛;′field-test v & n 实地试验;′field-work n 实地考查工作;

v (1) (棒球等的) 接(守)球((in cricket and baseball) catch the ball and return it) [IT+n]:~well 接球技术很好;Our team are~ing,while our opponents bat. 我队接球,我们的对手击球。He~ed the ball and threw it to the first baseman. 他将球接住并传给一垒球员。〖同〗 catch;

(2) 充当(棒球) 接(守)球的队((in cricket and baseball) be the team whose turn it is to catch and throw back the ball) [I]:Who are~ing first? 哪一方先接球?

(3) 选派(队员,球队)上场比赛(place (a playergroup of players or a team) in a game (of football)) [T+n]:~a better team/a stronger side next season 下个赛季派一支更好/更强的队参赛;

(4) 圆满答复(一连串的问候) (answer skillfully (a series of difficult and controversial questions)) [T+n] (fig):~all the tough question 圆满地答复所有棘手的问题;

→′fielder n (棒球等的)守队队员;′fieldsman n 外场员





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