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单词 watch


1. wakefulness,sleepless state,sleeplessness睡不着,失眠。
△Ham.2.2.148:“Thence to a watch.”随后就夜不成眠。
2. wakeful watching 不眠的警戒。
△H.V.4.1.302(282):“but in gross brain little wots/What watch theKing keeps to maintain the peace.”但是他那愚钝的头脑里毫不理会国王为了维护太平日子如何旰食宵衣、费尽心机。
3. watchfulness. vigilance戒备,警惕。
△Ham.1.1.71:“this same strict and most observant watch”,这种森严的戒备。
4. close observation,careful attention 细察,注意。
△Mer.1.1.143(142):“The self-same way with moreadvised watch,”以更加小心的细察,向那同一个方向(射去)。5. guard警卫人员。
△R.III.5.3.54: “Use carefulwatch.”使用细心的警卫人员。
△1H.VI.2.1.61:“That, being captain of the watch to-night. / Did look nobetter to that weighty charge.”你,身为昨夜的警卫队长.没有好好留心照管这个重大的责任。
6. watchman (watchmen). night-guard更夫,巡夜警卫。
△Rom.5.3.71:“I will go call the watch.”我去叫巡夜的警察。
△Rom.3.3.147(148): “the watch be set.”守夜人(又译:警卫)都上了岗。
△Rom.3.3.166(167): “Ei-ther be gone before the watch be set.”或是在守夜人上岗之前就走。
△Oth.5.1.37:“What ho! no watch?”喂,怎么! 没有巡夜人吗?
7. time when watchmen are on duty更夫值班的时间。
watch of the night: night-time. length of the night.whole night夜晚时间,整夜。
△2H.IV.4.5.25(26):“Yetnot so sound,and half so deeply sweet./
△As he whosebrow with homely biggen bound / Snores out thewatch of night.”但是你睡得没有那样的酣畅,也没有一半那样的甜蜜,像那戴着普通睡帽的人能打着鼾一觉睡它个通宵。8. group or body of constables 一群(一队)警察。
△ 1H.IV.2.4.537(483): “a most monstrous watch”.很大一群警察。
9. sentry 岗哨。
△H.V.4.cho.30:“Walking fromwatch to watch.from tent to tent.”从这个岗哨走到那个岗哨,从这个营帐走到那个营帐。
10. watch-word口令,暗号.
△H.V.4.Cho.7:“The se-cret whispers of each other's watch.”彼此窃窃私语的口令。
△Mac.2.1.54:“Whose howl's his watch.”它的嚎叫便是他的暗号。
11. watch-candle. i.e.candle notched to mark thehours计时蜡烛。
△R.III.5.3.63: “Fill me a bowl ofwine.Give me a watch.”给我倒一碗酒。给我拿一枝计时蜡烛。


1. keep awake in order to exhaust不眠熬过。
△Gent.4.2.142(139):“but it hath been the longest night/That e'er I watched,and the most heaviest.”不过这是我所不眠熬过的最长、最沉重的一夜。
2. prevent (a hawk) from sleeping (in taming hawks)(驯鹰时)迫使(它)不得睡眠。
△Shr.4.1.198(195): “to watch her,as we watch these kites”,不准她睡觉,就像不准那些鹞子睡觉一样。
watch tame: (term in falconry) prevent a hawk fromsleeping in order to tame;(fig.)keep one awake untilhe is tame(驯鹰用语)不使鹰入睡以便将其驯服:(转义)不使人入睡直至他听话为止。
△Oth. 3.3.22:“My lord shallnever rest,/ I'll watch him tame,and talk him out of patience.”我的丈夫将永远不得休息,我要像驯鹰一样,不让他睡,讲得他无法忍受。
3. keep under surveillance监视。
△1H.VI.1.1.161:“Since they,so few,watch such a multitude.” 因为他们,人数这么少,却要监视着那么多的敌人。
△2H.VI.1.4.45(42):“Beldam,I think we watched you at an inch.”丑老太婆,我们一直在旁边严密监视你。
△2H.VI.1.4.58(55):“Lord Buckingham,methinks you watched her well.”白金汉大人,我觉得你把她监视得很好。
4. keep an eye on. prevent with vigi lance密切注视,严密制止。
△Rom.4.4.12: “But I will watch you fromsuch watching now.”但是现在我要严格制止你这样熬夜了。5. watch for. look out for守候,等候。
△Oth.4.2.241(235):“If you will watch his going thence.”只要你守候到他从那里出来。
6. catch by lying in wait埋伏起来抓获。
△Wiv.5.5. 109(103):“Nay,do not fly,I think we have watched younow.”不,别逃,我们现在已经抓住你了。
~ vi.
1. keep awake on the look-out警觉监视。
△Lr.2.1.22(20):“My father watches.”父亲在监视着。
2. keep watch. stay awake戒备,不眠。
△3H.VI.5.7.16:“Young Ned,for thee. thine uncles and myself /Have in our armours watched the winter's night,”小奈德啊,为了你,你的叔叔们和我自己在冬天夜晚身披铠甲警戒不眠。
3. keep awake,be alert警醒,警觉。
△2H.VI.1.1.250(249): “Watch thou and wake,when others be asleep,/To pry into the secrets of the state.”当别人沉睡的时候,你要警觉而清醒,好窥测国家的机密。
4. keep vigil. be on guard守夜,值岗。
△Oth.2.1.220(217): “The lieutenant to-night watches on the courtof guard.”今晚副将要在警卫处值班。
5. serve as a member of the watch值班守夜。
△Oth.2.1.273(264):“Watch you tonight;”今晚你去值班守夜。
6. be awake. have no sleep,sit up at night,stayawake all night醒着,不睡觉,熬夜,整夜不睡。
△ L.L.L.3.1.210(200): “to watch for her.”为她整夜不睡。
△Gent2.1.26(24): “to watch,like one that fears robbing:”夜里睡不着觉,好像是怕遭盗窃。
△Shr.4.1.208(205):“sheshall watch all night.”她将彻夜不得睡觉。
△Rom.4.4.9: “What. I have watched ere now / All night forlesser cause,and ne'er been sick.”嘿,我从前为了比这小得多的事就整夜不睡,也没有病过。
△Ham.3.2.289(273):“For some must watch while some must sleep.”有些人要失眠,有的人要酣睡。
△Lr.2.2.162 (155 ): “I havewatched and travelled hard.”我 一直赶路,没有睡,累得很。watch the night: keep awake all night 通夜不眠。
△2H.VI.3.1.110: “So help me God. as I havewatched the night,/Ay,night by night,in studyinggood for England.”上帝保佑我吧,因为我曾通夜不眠,是的,一夜又一夜不眠,为英国谋求福利。
7. ❶keep vigil,keep awake守夜,不睡觉。
❷spend thenight in revelry,carouse通夜欢宴,闹饮。
△1H.IV.2.4310(277):“Watch to-night,pray to-morrow.”今晚不睡觉,明天再祷告。




n.注视,注意,手表,探察 v.观看,注视,看过
◇ be watchful of 注意,警戒勤务
keep a watch on 观察
keep watch for sb.注视
on the watch 监视,看
watch for 注意,寻找
watch out fo 警惕,戒备,密切注意
watch out 提防
watch over 看守,守卫
watch sb like a hawk严密地监视某人
‖ watch and watch 时刻戒备,轮值
watch a person’s every mood 察言观色
watch box 岗楼,岗亭
watch-chain 表链
watch committee公安委员会
watch dog 监控器
watch-dog committee 监督委员会
watchdog subsystem监视子系统
watch engineer 值班轮机员
watch officer 值班驾驶员
watch one’s step 小心,谨慎
watch period (time)值班时间
watch post 警戒哨
watch quietly 静观
watch radar station 警戒雷达站
watch station 瞭望台
watch time 值班时间
watch tower 瞭望塔,碉楼
watch TV 收看(电视)/watch vessel 哨艇
watch which way the cat jumps 见风使舵
watchboat n.巡逻艇
watchdog n.监察人,监督人
watcher n.看守人,岗哨,观察者
watchful adj. 注意的,警惕的
watchfulness n.警觉
watchhouse n. 哨所,哨兵,拘留所
watchout n.监视
watchword n. 暗语,口令,标语,口号





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