n. hogwash. kitchen water and scraps given topigs泔水,喂猪的剩汤残羹。
△R.III.5.2.9:“Swills yourwarm blood like wash,”把你们的热血当泔水来喝。
1.wet,moisten 把…弄湿,沾湿。
△Shr.2.1.173(172):“I’ll say she looks as clear / As morning roses washedwith dew;”我就说她的脸色就像被露水沾湿的清晨玫瑰一般鲜艳。
2. drench 使浸透。
△Oth.5.2.279(280):“Wash me insteep-down gulfs of liquid fire!”叫我沉浸在万丈深渊的火流之中!
3. overwhelm as with water,drown 淹没,淹死。
△ R.III.5.3.133(132): “I,that was washed to deathwith fulsome wine,”我,是被过多腻人的酒所淹死的。
wash all the air: fill the air with moisture 使空气中布满湿气。
△Mid.2.1.103: “Therefore the moon,thegoverness of floods. Pale in her anger,washes allthe air,/ That rheumatic diseases do abound.”因此,月亮,海洋的管理女神,恼怒得脸色发白,使得空中布满了湿气,以致到处都害风湿病。
wash off: get rid of 摆脱。
△Tw.2.5.178(162): “Iwill wash off gross acquaintance.”我要摆脱那些卑贱之交。
◇ wash down 冲洗
wash off 洗掉
wash one’s dirty linen in public 谈论隐私
wash one’s hands of sb.撒手不管
wash out 淘汰,破产,不及格,飞机摔毁
wash over sb.周围事物对某人没有多大影响
wash sth. down 用水喷冲洗某物
wash up 洗好
‖ be washed out =look washed out 筋疲力尽
wash away 冲走
wash sale 虚买,虚抛
wash transaction 冲销交易,证券市场虚假交易
washable v. 洗 n. 尾流,伴流
washing-machine n.洗衣机,淘汰飞行员的飞机