释义 |
wasvb. aux. 1. that was(omission of the rel. pron.). △1H.VI. 2.2.7: “Now have I paid my vow (i.e.vow of venge-ance) unto his soul; / For every drop of blood wasdrawn from him/There hath at least five Frenchmendied tonight:”现在我已经实现了我对着他的灵魂所发出的誓言,因为他身上所流出的每一滴血,都至少有五个法国人今晚以死亡做了抵偿。 2. had been. △Tw. 4.3. 5: “I could not find him atthe Elephant,/Yet there he was,”我在大象饭店里找不到他,可是他最近曾经到过那里。 Phrase: was have: (Welsh dialect) had. △H.V.3. 6.100(93): “Marry,th'athversary was have possession ofthe pridge,but he is enforced to retire.”哎呀,敌人原先占领着桥,但是他们又被迫撤退了。 |