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waitvi. 1. be in attendance. attend 伴随,陪侍。 △L.L.L.5.2.402(401): “Nor never more in Russian habit wait.”我再也不陪伴别人穿着俄罗斯人服装了。 △3H.VI.2.5.53:“His body couched in a curious bed/When care. mis-trust,and treason waits on him.”他的尊体躺在精巧异常的床榻上,而忧愁、猜忌和叛谋却陪侍着他。 2. do service. serve (the guests) 服侍,伺候(客人)。 △Rom.1.3.103(102):“I must hence to wait;”我要离开去伺候客人。 3. follow,be about跟随,在身边。 △2H.IV.1.2.16(15):“thou art fitter to be worn in my cap than towait at my heels.”让你跟在我脚后边,还不如把你挂在我帽子上更合适呢。 △2H.IV.1.2.64(57):“Wait close,I willnot see him.”紧跟在我身边,我不愿见他。 Phrases: wait on: ❶attend upon,be one's attendants,readyto be employed,be at one's command侍候,做听候使用的待者,听候差遣。 △1H.IV.5.1.110:“But if he will notyield,/Rebuke and dread correction wait on us,”但如果他不肯让步,谴责和可怕的惩罚掌握在我手里。 ❷serve为…效劳。 △Mac.1.5. 50(49):“Wherever in your sight-less substances/You wait on nature's mischief!”你们以无形的躯体在宇宙间到处作恶! ❸follow,accompany,consort with追随,伴随,陪伴。 △H.V.2.2.109: “Butthou. ’gainst all proportion,didst bring in/ Wonderto wait on treason and on murder.”但是你却违反了一切常情,把惊奇拉来,做了叛逆和谋杀的陪伴。 △H.V.5.2.353(326): “I am content,so the maiden cities you talk ofmay wait on her;”只要你谈到的那些处女城市都做她的出嫁伴娘的话,我就心满意足了。 △3H.VI.3.3.42:“O,but im-patience waiteth on true sorrow,”唉,但是急不可耐总是伴随着真正的悲哀。 △Mac. 3. 4. 38(37):“Now good di-gestion wait on appetite,/ And health on both!” i.e.May good digestion follow upon appetite,and healthfollow upon both appetite and digestion! 现在祝大家消化随胃口增进,愿大家口腹两旺! wait upon: ❶be in attendance on,attend upon侍候。 △ Gent.3.2.96(95):“We'll wait upon your Grace tillafter supper,”我们要侍候殿下用过晚饭。 △Ham.2.2.278(266): “We'll wait upon you.” 我们愿意侍候殿下。 ❷take care of照料。 △Ado.3.5. 61(56):“I'll wait upon them; I am ready.” 我就去照料他们;我已经准备好了。 △Ham.5.1.315(293): “I pray thee,good Horatio,wait upon him.”好霍拉旭,我请你好好照看他。 ❸accom-pany陪伴。 △2H.IV.2.1.200(184):“I must wait uponmy good lord here.”我得在这里陪着这位大人。 △H.V.1.1.98:“I'll wait upon you. and I long to hear it.”我愿意陪你去,我也想听一听。 △R.III.1.3. 323(322): “Wewait upon your Grace.”我们随同娘娘前去。 △R.III.2.1.141:“We wait upon your Grace.”我们奉陪殿下。 △Oth.3.2.6:“We'll wait upon your lordship.”自当奉陪阁下。 ❹attend听候。 △Ado.1.3.77(75):“We'll wait upon your lordship.”我们听候您的旨意。 wait[weit]v.等待,等候,暂停射击 ◇ wait and see 拭目以待,观望 wait for sth. 等候 wait on 故意紧随,服侍,招待 wait on sb.服侍某人 wait out 选击 wait time 等候时间 wait up 熬夜 wait upon 侍奉 ‖ wait and see principle 观望原则 wait line 腰围 waiting area 待命地区 waiting article 等待圈 waiting bench 检录处运动员席 waiting circle 次一击球员准备区 waiting for engagement 待聘 waiting game 伺机取胜的打法 waiting line 限制线 waiting list 备取名单,候补名单,轮候名单 waiting position待命阵地 waiting room 候车室 waiting status 待命状态 waiting system 等球战术 waiting time 等待时机,伺候 waiter n.服务员,侍者 waitress n.女服务员 |