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单词 vulgar


1. vulgar people俗人。
△L.L.L.1.2. 52(48):“ Whichthe base vulgar do call three.”那在下贱的俗人是称为三点的。
2. common people平民百姓。
△H.V. 4. 7. 81(77): “Sodo our vulgar drench their peasant limbs/ In blood ofprinces,”同样,我们平民百姓的粗手笨脚也浸泡在亲贵的鲜血里。
3. vulgar tongue. vernacular俗话,白话。
△L.L.L.4.1.68:“to annothanize in the vulgar”,用俗话来解释一下。
△As.5.1.53(47): “abandon—which is in the vul-gar,‘leave,’”你要放弃——俗话就是“丢开”。


1. of the common people. plebeian平民的。
vulgar heart: love of the common people,support ofthe populace平民的爱戴,民众的支持。
△2H.IV.1.3.89:“An habitation giddy and unsure/Hath he that build-eth on the vulgar heart.”在民众的心上所建立起来的住所总是动摇不稳的。
2. common,ordinary普通的,平常的。
△Ham.1.2.99:“As any the most vulgar thing to sense,” i.e. As any-thing most common to sense.正像我们感官所接触的任何最普通的事物一样。
△Tw.3.1.138(124):“vulgar proof”.i.e. common experience. 平常的经验。
△1H.VI.3.2.4 : “Talk like the vulgar sort of market-men / Thatcome to gather money for their corn.”说起话来要像是普通的生意人,进城来卖粮食的。
3. public公众的。
△Com.3.1.100:“A vulgar comment”. 大家议论。
4. of common knowledge,in every one's mouth,com-monly known and spoken of众所周知的,人人都说的,大家都知道和谈论的。
△Lr. 4. 6. 215(210): “Most sure andvulgar;”千真万确,大家都知道了。
5. equally accessible to everybody,cheap,obsequious.low人人可以接近的,廉价的,巴结的,下贱的。
△Ham.1.3.61: “Be thou familiar,but by no means vulgar.”i.e.Be easy in your manner,but do not make yourselfcheap. 待人要和气,但也不要显得低贱。


n.俗气,庸俗 adj.粗俗的,庸俗的,普通的,通俗的
‖ vulgar bourgeois political economy 庸俗资产阶级政治经济学
vulgar error 世俗的误解
vulgar evolution 庸俗进化论
vulgar fraction普通分数
vulgar language 粗话
vulgar materialism 庸俗唯物主义
vulgar materialist 庸俗唯物论者
vulgar sociologism 庸俗社会主义
vulgar sociology 庸俗社会学
vulgar taste低级趣味
vulgar theory of distribution 庸俗分配论
vulgar theory of value 庸俗价值论
vulgarism n.庸俗主义
vulgarity n.粗俗,粗俗语,粗野行为
vulgarization n. 庸俗化
vulgarize v.使通俗化,使庸俗化





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