释义 |
Vulcan:(Rom. myth.) god of fire,often representedas a blacksmith(罗马神话)乌尔冈,火神,常被描绘为一个铁匠。 △Tw.5.1.56(52):“Yet when I saw it last,it wasbesmeared/As black as Vulcan in the smoke of war.”不过我上次看见他的时候,他的脸涂黑得像是战云弥漫中的乌尔冈一般。 △Ado. 1. 1. 191(183): “or do you play the flou-ting Jack,to tell us cupid is a good hare-finder andVulcan a rare carpenter?”i.e. are you mocking us bysaying that blind Cupid can catch hares or that blacksmith Vulcan is a carpenter?再不然,你是信口开河,嘲弄我们,说盲目的丘比德善于搜寻野兔,而铁匠乌尔冈是个出色的木匠吗? △Ham.3.2.89(84):“Vulcan's stithy.”乌尔冈的作坊。 |