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单词 vocation


n. (Puritan term) the station of life to whichGod has called one,calling,profession (清教徒用语:上帝所召唤的)人生岗位,行业,职业。
△1H . IV . 1 . 2 . 1 16(104):“Why. Hal.' ’tis my vocation . Hal. ’tis no sin for aman to labour in his pocation .”嘿,哈尔,这是我的本行呀,哈尔. 一个人干他的本行工作不能算是罪过嘛。
△2H.VI . 4 . 2.18( 16 ): “Labour in thy vocatiot:“ i . e . ”Everyonemust labour in his own calling . ” ( fr. the Homilyagainst ldleness : “Apply yourselves. every man in hisvocation. to honest labour and business. ”)人人都该干好本行的工作(按:源出《反懒散布道文》。)


‖ vocation auditing 业务审计
vocational adj.职业的
vocational action 职业行为
vocational and technological college and university 技术院校
vocational aptitude 职业能力倾向
vocational auditing 业务性审计
vocational certificate 职业证书
vocational choice 职业选择
vocational college 职业大学
vocational counselors 职业指导员
vocational course 职业课程
vocational culture职业陶冶
vocational development 职业发展
vocational education 职业教育
vocational guidance 职业指导
vocational high school 高级职业学校,职业高中
vocational interest tests 职业兴趣测试
vocational license 职业证照
vocational motivation 职业动机
vocational organization of auditing 审计业务组织形式
vocational placement 职业安置
vocational psychology 职业心理学
vocational qualification course 职业资格教程
vocational school 职业学校
vocational scope of auditing firm 会计师事务所业务范围
vocational secondary school 职业中学
vocational selection 职业选择
vocational senior secondary school 职业高中
vocational skill 业务水平
vocational study 业务学习
vocational subject 职业科目
vocational technical college 职业技术学校
vocational technical high school 职业技术中学
vocational test 职业测验
vocational training 业务训练,职业培训,职业训练,专业培训
vocational training center 职业培训中心
Vocational Training Council 职业训练局
vocational training officer 职业训练官
vocational university 职业大学
vocational work experience 职业工作经验
vocationalism n. 职业教育论
vocationalization n. 职业,天职,神命
vocationalization of secondary education 中等教育职业化
vocationalize v.职业化
vocationally adv.职业上地





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