visorn. 1.mask 面具,假面。 △L.L.L.5.2.227(226): “and so,adieu—/Twice to your visor,and half once to you.”好了,再会;对你的面具说两回再会,对你只有半回。 △Ado.2.1.100(96):“My visor is Philemon’s roof,within thehouse is Jove.”我的面具是菲利蒙的屋顶,在屋里面住着天神周甫。 △Rom.1.4.30: “A visor for a visor!”给一张丑脸戴上一个假面具! △Rom.1.5.25(21): “I have seenthe day / That I have worn a visor and could tell / Awhispering tale in a fair lady’s ear / Such as wouldplease;”想当年我也曾戴过假面具,在漂亮小姐耳边说些讨她欢喜的悄悄话。 2. face that is as ugly as a mask. ugly face 假面具一般丑陋的面孔,丑脸。 △Rom.1.4.30:“A visor for a visor!”给一张丑脸戴上一个假面具! visor[ˈvaizə]n. 面罩,遮阳板 Visscher ([ˈfishər]) Family 菲斯赫尔家族 |