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virtuen. 1.moral excellence,excellent qualities 美德。 △ L.L.L.5.2.350(349):“You nickname virtue;vice you shouldhave spoke。”你误用了“美德”一词,你应该说是“罪恶”。(按:公主故意拿virtue的另一种意思来取笑。) △ As.3.2.7:“That every eye which in this forest looks / Shall seethy virtue witnessed everywhere.”每一个到这森林里观赏的人都将看到你的美德处处传扬。 2. (abstr. for concr . ) virtuous person贤德的人,有德者。 △2H.IV Ⅳ. 2 . 4. 50 (46 ): “my poor virtue,” i.e. my sweet virtuous one. 我可怜的好人儿。 △3H.VI. 3 . 2 . 62:“ My love till death,my humble thanks,my prayers -/ That love which virtue begs and virtuegrants .”我至死不渝的忠爱,我的谦卑的感激,我为你作的祈祷——也就是有德者所乞求和有德者所给予的那种爱。 3. good quality. excellence优点,长处。 △Ado . 2 . 1 . 129( 122) : “Can virtue hide itselfe?” 一个人的长处,难道遮掩得了吗? △Ado . 4 . 1 . 222(220):“then we find / The virlue that possession would not show us”. 那时我们才会发现享有时所不曾发现的好处。 △Mid . 3 . 1 . 147(140): “thy fair virtue’s force”,i . e . the power of your boauty . 你耶美姿(又译:美德)的力量。 △Tw . 1 . 3 . 142( 131 ): “Is it a world to hide virtues in?”在这世界上岂是应该把才能隐藏起来的吗? 4. accomplishment,merit成就.功绩。 △1H . IV . 3 . 1.126(124): “A virtue that was never seen in you.”这种成就,在你那里还没有看到。 △2H.VI . 4 . 2 . 12(10): “O miserable age! Virtue is not regarded in handicraftsmen.”啊.悲惨的时代! 手艺人的功劳是不受重视的。 5. power力量。 △Mac . 4 . 3 . 156: “With this strange virtue .” i. e. Together with the strange healing power. 除了这种奇异的能力之外。 △Oth . 1 . 3 . 321 (318): “butit is not in my virtue to amend it . ”但是我又没有力量纠正。 △L.L . L. 5. 2 . 349 (348): “The virtue of your eyemust break my oath . ”您的眼睛的魔力使我违背了誓言。 △Mer . 5 . 1 . 199: “If you had known the virtue of the ring.”你若是知道这只戒指的力量。 6. power. authority 权 力.权威。 △2H . IV . 4 . 1 . 162(160). “Hath the Prince John a ful l commission. / In very ample virtue of his father.” i.e. with the complete power of his father: as plenipotentiary for his father. 约翰王子可有充分的权威,做他父亲的全权代表吗? △H . VI I I . 2 . 2 . 104 (103):“by whose virtue”,根据此委任状的权威。 △ Ado . 3 . 3 . 54(51):“by virtue of your office,” i. e. by the authority of your office.按照你们职务的极力。 7. essence. substance. point本质.实质,要点。 △1H . IV.1 . 2. 207(186): “The virtue of this jest will be the incomprehensible lies that this same fat rogue will tell us when we meet at supper,”这个玩笑的要点就存于:等我们吃晚饭聚会时那个混账胖子要向我们讲些什么无边无际的谎话。 8. essence,substance,soul本质,本体,灵魂。 △Mid . 4.1 . 175(169): “the virtue of my heart.”我的心灵的向往。 9. jnherent power. property,faculty机能,属性,官能。 △ Ham . 4 . 5 . 153( 155): “Tears seven times salt / Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eye!” (To be spared so painful a spectacle Laertes longs to lose both sight and reason.)加了七次盐的泪水,泡瞎我的眼睛的知觉和官能吧! 10. peculiar or distinguishing characteristic 特 征。 △As . 3 . 2 . 128(120): “and that’s the right virtue of the medlar.”这正是枇杷的道地的特点。 11. property. efficacy. power性能,功效,力量。 △Rom2 . 3 . 13 : “Many for many virtues excellent,/ None but for some,and yet all different.” i. e. Many plants have many excellent properties. and there is no plant which does not have some peculiar healing qualities.有许多花草是妙用无穷,至少各有其妙而又各个不同。 △As. 5.4 . 108(102 ): “Your If is the only peacemaker: machvirtue in If.”“假如”是惟一的和事老;“假如”的作用真大。 △Mer . 5 . 1 . 101 :“Silence bestows that virtue on it.”幽静给音乐增添了优美。 △R . III . 4 . 4 . 371 (370): “ ThyGarter. blemished. pawned his (= its) knightly vir-tue;”你的嘉德勋章.被玷污了,丧失了它代表骑七的效力(又译:美德)。 by that virtue: by virtue of that凭借这种效力,由于这种原因。 △H . VII I . 5 . 3. 49 (5. 2. 84 ): “you are aCouncillor. / And by that virtue no man dare accuseyou.”你是 一 位枢密院大臣,南于这种原因,没人敢控诉你。 12. power,efficacy,i.e. beneficial herb. efficaciousmedicinal plant力量.功效,(转义)有益药草,有效药用植物, △ Lr . 4 . 4 . 16: “All you unpublished virtues of theearth,”你们 一 切在上地里隐藏着的灵药奇草。 13. efficacious agency. curative power效能,治愈力 △Ham . 4 . 7 . 144: “Collected from all simples thathave virtue / Under the moon.” ( Medicinal herbswere thought to be more efficacious if gathered bymoonlight . ) 在月光下采集的具有疗效的一切药草。 14. manliness. valour,courage男子气概,英勇,勇气。 △1H . IV . 2 . 4 . 134(1 18): “Is there no virtue extant?”世上难道就没有勇敢的人了吗? △Lr . 5 . 3 . 104(103):“Trustto thy single virtue,”i. e. Trust to your own bravery.只依靠你自己一个人的勇敢吧。 15. uprightness,purity正直,纯洁。 △Ham. 1 . 3 . 16:“The virtue of his will.”他的愿望的纯洁。 16. ❶authority,power权威.权力。 ❷excellence. mer-it杰出,功绩。 △1H . vi. 1 . 1 . 8: “England ne’er had aking (i. e. a king in the fullest sense) until his time: /Virtue he had. deserving to command;”英格兰从来还没有这样一位真命国君:他有权威.足以发号施令(又译:他功勋卓著,足以服众)。 Phrase: make a virtue of necessity: do as if from sense of du-ty something one must needs do为不得不做的事找一个高尚动机。 △Gent . 4 . 1 . 62(60): “To make a virtue ofnecessity / And live as we do in this wilderness?”穷途落难,不妨借此栖身.你就像我们一样在旷野里讨个生活呢? virtue[ˈvə:tju:]n.善,美德,优点 ◇ be virtue of 凭借 by virtue of sth.依靠,凭借,由于,因为 make a virtue of necessity 痛痛快快做事 ‖ virtue and vice 善与恶 virtue and wickedness美德与邪恶 virtue education 思想教育 virtues and defects 优缺点 virtueless adj.无美德的,缺少优点的 virtuous[ˈvə:tjuəs]adj.善良的,有道德的,有效力的 virtuous action 善行 virtuous individualism 公正的个人主义 virtuously adv.合乎道德地,善良地 |