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单词 villainy


1.extreme depravity and wickedness 堕落,邪恶。 days of villainy: these wicked times,wicked presentage 这个邪恶的时代,邪恶的当代。
△ 1H.IV.3.3.185(165):“and what should poor Jack Falstaff do in the days of villainy?”那么在这个邪恶的时代,可怜的杰克·福斯塔夫又该怎么办呢?
2. evil quality 邪恶品质。
△Mac.1.2.10:“Worthy tobe a rebel. for to that / The multiplying villainies ofnature / Do swarm upon him”,i.e. Fitted by natureto be a rebel,for to that end nature has endowed himwith ever-increasing number of evil qualities andwicked deeds. which swarm upon him like lice.他真不愧为一员叛将,为了促成他的反叛行径,各种邪恶的品质都丛集于他一身。
3. wicked practice,action of depravity 邪恶行径,堕落行为。
△ Ado.5.1.71:“framed by thy villainy!”被你的邪恶行径所造成的!
△ 1H.IV.2.4.510(457):“whereincrafty. but in villainy?”除了作恶之外,他有什么机巧?
△ 2H.IV.2.1.134(119):“and unpay the villainy youhave done with her.”还要补偿你对她犯下的罪恶。
4. mischief,roguery. wicked deed 恶作剧,不轨行为,恶行。
△ 2H.VI.3.1.370:“And given me notice of theirvillainies.”把敌人胡作非为的情报告诉我。
△Shr.4.3.144:“there’s the villainy.”毛病就出在这里。
△ L.L.L.1.1.187(188):“There’s villainy abroad;”外边有人图谋不轨。
△ Mer.3.1.76 (71): “The villainy you teachme,I will execute,”你们教给我的坏事,我就要照样实行。
5. (abstr. for concr.) villain 奴才。
△Wiv.2.3.16:“Villainy,take your rapier.”奴才,拿起你的剑。
6. (abstr,for concr.) one wanting villainy to be com-mitted,villain 要干坏事的人,坏人。
△ Ado.3.3.118(112):“Thou shouldst rather ask if it were possibleany villainy should be so rich;”你应该问,要做坏事的人会这样有钱吗?





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