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单词 feeling
feeling/′fi:lɪ ŋ/ n & adj

n (1) 知觉(power and ability to feel) [U]:have no~in one's injured little finger 受伤的小手指没有知觉;leave sb with no~in his upper jaw 使某人的上颌没有知觉;lose all~in the right leg 右腿完全失去知觉;restore the~恢复知觉;〖同〗 sensation,sensibility,awareness, consciousness;〖反〗insensibility,insensationess;

(2) 感觉(sensation in the body or mind) [C] [N (of)]:a~of cold/of hunger/of great pain 寒冷/饥饿/极其痛苦的感觉;~of anger/of (dis)comfort/of gratitude/of shame 愤怒/(不)舒服/感激/羞愧的感觉;That was/He has a delightful~. 那是/他有一种快乐的感觉。experience a genuine~of happiness 真实地体验到幸福的感觉;I have never had that~before. 以前我从来没有过这种感觉。〖同〗 sense,sensation;

(3) 看(想)法(opinion;belief) [Ua~]:one's~about nature 对自然界的看法;It is my~that the work is too hard. 依我看这项工作会很难。My~is that we should postpone the meeting until next week. 我的想法是我们应该将会议推迟到下星期。What is your~about the matter? 你对此事的看法是什么?The general~was against the proposal. 大家的看法都不支持那项提议。There is a~among them that they ought to have been informed earlier. 他们的看法是理应早些通知他们。〖同〗opinion,view,attitude,impression;

(4) 预感(idea or belief about sth one expects to happen) [Ua~]:a~that something is going to happen 感到会发生某事;I had a~that they'd be here. 我预感他们会来这里。〖同〗instinct,inclination;

(5) 感受(力),鉴赏力,敏感(sensitive understanding;appreciation) [U]: play the piano with great~以(对作品的)充分感受演奏钢琴;the~for music/for beauty in nature and art 对音乐/自然及艺术美的鉴赏力;have no/little~for beauty 对美没有/几乎没有鉴赏力;

(6) 同情,体谅(sympathy;concern) [U] [N(for)]:have no~for the misery of other people's lives 不同情别人生活中的痛苦;show (no)~for sb/sth (不)体谅某人/某事;a man of great~极富同情心的人;〖同〗 sympathy,concern,pity;〖反〗unconcern,coldness;

(7) 强烈的情感(愤怒、不满、怨恨等) (strong emotion caused by angerdissatisfactionresentmentetc) [CU]:arouse/cause/provoke strong~(s) among the people 使得人们群情激昂;speak with~about sth 对某事慷慨陈词;F~among the workers over the closing of the factory was very strong. 工人中对关闭工厂的反感情绪异常强烈。F~ran high over the decision. 对此决定异常气愤。

(8) 感情,情感(绪) (the complex combination of one's emotions) [pl]:hide/show one's~s 掩盖/表露感情;hurt/understand sb's~s 伤害/理解某人的感情;appeal to sb's better~s 触动某人善良的天性;have confused/mixed~s about sb 对某人怀有说不清楚/复杂的感情;with mingled/conflicting~s 百感交集/心情矛盾;express one's~s towards sb 向某人表达自己的感情;(do not) care about the~s of others (不)在乎别人的感情;

bad/ill feelings 恶(反)感:There was no/a lot of ill~s between them. 他们之间没有恶感/积怨很深。

←feel v;n 触,模;

→′feelingful adj 充满感情的;′feelingless adj 无感情(知觉的);

adj (1) 富于同情心的(sympathetic):a~heart/person 多情善感/富有同情心的人;The girl is very~. 那个女孩很有同情心。

(2) 感情强烈的,衷心的(expressing or having strong emotionheartfelt) [作attrib]:a~glance/remark/speech 含情脉脉的一瞥/衷心的话语/富于感情的讲话;in a~way 富于感情地;give sb a~look 多情地看某人一眼;

→′feelingly adv充满感情地;′feelingness n 富于感情;′unfeeling adj 无情的,冷酷的





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