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单词 venture


so. ”哎呀,你愿意这样冒险,一定是特别爱吃李子了。


1. adventure,hazard,risk 冒险,风险,危险。
△ Mac.1.3.90: “and when he reads / Thy personal venture inthe rebels’ fight.”i.e.when he reads the account ofyour daring exploits in the battle against Macdon-wald,他一听说你在对叛将作战中的英勇勋绩。
△ 2H.IV. Epi7 (6): “But to the purpose,and so to the venture.”i.e. I’ll risk it. 但是言归正传,还是孤注一掷吧。2. hazard,risk,random 风险,冒险,任意行动。
at a venture: at random,recklessly,on conjecture 任意地,胡乱地,凭猜测。
△ 2H.IV.1.1.57: “He was somehilding fellow that had stolen / The horse he rode on,and,upon my life,/ Spoke at a venture.”他准是个什么卑鄙家伙.连他骑的那匹马也是偷来的,我拿我的性命担保,他一定是胡说八道。
3. commercial adventure 商业冒险。
△ Mer.1.1.15:“had I such venture forth.”如果我也有这么一笔冒险买卖在海外。
4. commercial speculation 商业投机。
ill venture: unsuccessful commercial speculation. un-successful trading voyage. unlucky sending out ofmerchant vessels 失败的商业投机,失败的海上贸易,倒霉的派遣商船出海。
△2H.IV. Epi.13 (11):“if like an ill ven-ture it come unluckily home.”如果像是一次失败的海上冒险生意,船倒霉地回来。
5. cargo at risk in a sea voyage,shipload (在海上冒险航运的)船货,船只装载量。
△ 2H.IV.2.4.67 (63):“There’sa whole merchant’s venture of Bordeaux stuff inhim.”他那肚子里装满了整整一船的波尔多酒。
6. ❶risk,adventure 冒险。
❷commercial enterprisewith an unpredictable outcome 冒险生意。
△ Mer.1.3.92 (91): “This was a venture. sir,that Jacob servedfor,”先生,雅各做的是一桩冒险的生意。


vt. put to hazard. risk. stake 使冒危险,使遭受危险.以…打赌。
△ 1H.IV.5.1.101:“And,Prince ofWales,so dare we venture thee.”i.e. stake your life.威尔士亲王,我们敢让你去冒这次险。
△ H.VIII.2.3.24:“Beshrew me,I would. And venture maidenhead for’t (= it),”我不怕造孽,我倒愿意,而且还想冒着丧失处女身份的危险做做王后呢。
△ Oth.4.3.78 (77): “I shouldventure purgatory for ’t.”我就是为此而下炼狱,也是甘心的。
~ vi. try the chance. run all hazards 碰运气,冒一切危险。
△ 2H.IV.1.1.180:“We all that are engaged to thisloss / Knew that we ventured on such dangerousseas / That if we wrought out life ’twas ten to one.”我们所有卷入到这场不幸中的人,即使到最后能保全性命,那也不过是十分之一的机会。


n. 冒险(家)v. 冒险
◇ at a venture 冒险地,胡乱地,随便地,碰运气
venture at 冒险干…/venture on sth. 敢于尝试做某事
‖ joint-venture 合资
joint venture investment 共同投资
venture account 投机买卖账户
venture business 冒险企业
venture capital 风险资本,投机资本,冒险资本
venture fund 创业基金
venture on sth.敢于尝试做某事
ventures in agroindustry 农产品加工业
venturesome 商业企业





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