释义 |
venoma. venomous,poisonous恶毒的,有毒的。 △Cam.5 . 1 . 69:“The venom clamours of a jealous woman”, 妒妇的恶毒的絮叨。 △3H.VI Ⅵ. 2. 2 . 138: “As venom toadsor lizards’ dreadful stings.”(Both the venom and thestings were popular beliefs,quite unfounded.)好像癞蛤蟆的毒液或四脚蛇的恶刺, △R . I I I . 1 . 3 . 290 (289): “Lookwhen he fawns,he bites: and when he bites / Hisvenom tooth will rankle to the death.”它一向人摇尾巴,就要咬人;它一咬人,它那毒牙就会使人生烂疮而死。 Venomn. 1 . poison. spite 毒.怨恨。 △Ham. 2 . 2 . 541 (510 ):“Who this had seen. with tongue in venoln steeped,’Gainst Fortune’s state would treason have pro-nounced.”无论谁看见了这种景象,都会鼓起浸在毒液里的舌头来宣告命运之神大逆不道。 2. venomous person,poisonous person,spitfire恶毒的人,性子暴躁的人。 △Tw . 3. 2. 2: “Thy reason,dear yen-am ; give thy reason.”你的理由呢,亲爱的恶人;说出你的理由来。 |