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单词 feature
feature/′fi:t⨜ ǝ(r)/ nv [-d,-d /d/;-eing /rɪ ŋ/]

n(1) 面容的一部分(part of the face) [C]:His nose is his best/his striking~. 他的鼻子是他容貌最好/最突出的部分。

(2) 面(相,容)貌(the form or appearance of the face) [pl]:have regular/nice~s 五官端正/容貌俊美;a person of handsome/of strong~s 相貌英俊/面容刚毅的人;a woman with Oriental~s 长着东方脸型的女人;Her~s had not altered much. 她的容貌没有太大的变化。

(3) 特征(色,点) (distinct part or quality) [C]:a~of the landscape 风景独特之处;the geographical~s of this part of the country 该国家这一地区的地理特征;The use of bright colours is one of the~s of his painting. 使用明快的颜色是他绘画的特点之一。The rainforest is the main~that brings most tourists to this country. 热带雨林是吸引大多数游客到这个国家的主要特色。The story has several/some unusual~s. 这个故事有几个/一些不同寻常的特点。〖同〗 quality,characteristic,property,character;

(4) (报纸、电台或电视等的)特写,特别节目(special article in a newspaperprogramme on the radio or television) [C] [N(on)]:The magazine is doing/running a~on the care of the old people. 这家杂志刊载了一篇有关照顾老人的新闻特写。The highwire act is the~of the circus. 高空走钢丝是这个马戏团的特色节目。A front-page~in the Sunday Times deals with a local business man. 《星期日时报》的头版特写讲述的是一个当地的商人。a~article 特写文章;〖同〗 specialty;

(5) (电影的)正(长)片(main or full-length film at a cinema) [C]:a new colour~about World War II 一部有关二战的新彩色故事片;two-~programme 连放两部正片的一场电影;What's the main~after the cartoon? 动画片后面上映什么正片? a~film 故事片;

make a feature of 以……为特色:a magazine that makes a~of fashions 一本以时装为特色的杂志;

→′featureless adj 没有特色的,平凡的;′featurely adj 英俊的;′featurette n 短故事(记录)片;′featurish adj 采用特写文章的;

v(1) 是……的特色(be a feature of) [T+nI]:Excellent service~s that small restaurant. 优良的服务是那家小餐馆的特色。Potatoes~very largely in the food of the local people. 当地人的饮食特色是以土豆为主食。

(2) 给以显著的位置(make a feature of;give prominence to) [T+n]:~one's articles in the newspapers 在报纸上专门刊载某人的文章;a statement~d in full 全文刊登的一篇声明;All the major newspapers~d the story of the murder. 所有主要的报纸都在显著的位置报导了那件谋杀案。

(3) 由……主演,以……为主角(be a main or special part) [T+n]:a film that~s the best American actress 由美国最佳女影星主演的电影;The concert~s the violinist. 音乐会的主角是那位小提琴家。

(4) 起重要作用,占据重要位置(haveplay a major or prominent part) [I+prep(in)]:Who~d most at the party? 晚会上谁最显眼? The chairman of the party~d among all the politicians who attended the meeting. 在所有出席会议的政治家中,该党的主席地位最为突出。

(5) 与……相似(be like in features) [T+n] (infml):All the children~their father. 所有的孩子长得都像他们的父亲。

(6) 想象(conceive of;imagine) [T+n] (infml):Can you~wearing jeans on such an occasion? 你能想象得出在这种场合穿牛仔裤的样子吗? 〖同〗 imagine,picture,fancy;

→′featured adj 有某种面貌特征的,作为特色的;

【辨异】 featurecharacteristic 都表示特点、 特征或特性。feature 指突出或引人注意的东西,如:the striking geological feature of the valley (这个峡谷突出的地质特征);而characteristic 则表示有别于其他人或其他事物的个性或特点,如:What is the characteristic of his writing? (他的写作特点是什么?)





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