释义 |
uttervt. 1. tell,speak,proclaim 讲,说,宣告。 △ Ham. 3.4.141:“It is not madness ,That I have uttered.”我刚才说的并不是疯话。 △ Lr.1.4.356 (331):“What he hath utteredI have writ my sister;”他说的话,我已经写信告诉我的妹妹 △ 1H.IV. 2. 3. 115 (110):“for I well believe / Thouwilt not utter what thou dost not know,”因为我十分相信你不会说出你所不知道的事情。 △ 2H.IV. 5.3.111(109):“If,sir,you come with news from the court,I take itthere' s but two ways. either to utter them,or conceal them.”如果,先生,你从宫里带来了什么消息,我想这只有两个办法,你或是说出来,或是把它隐瞒着。 2. say or carry out in public公开说出或进行。 △1H . IV.1 . 1 . 106: “For more is to be said and to be done / Than out of anger can be uttered . ”(Proverb:“ Nothing is well said or done in anger. ”) 因为盛怒之中不宜多说,但我还有不少的话要讲,还有不少的事要做。 3. fully cxpress充分表达出来 。 △Ado . 5 . 3 . 20: “Till death be uttered .”等我们唱完这哀悼死者的歌声。 4. put forth摆出来。 △L . L. L. 5 . 2 . 316 (315): “This fellow pecks up wit as pigeons pease . And utters it again when God doth please . ”这家伙惯爱拾人牙慧,就像鸽了啄食青豆,一碰到天赐的机会,便要拿出来卖弄。 5. offer for sale. sell. supply兜售,出售.供给。 △L . L . L.2 . 1 . 15: “Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye,/Not uttered bv base sale of chapmen’s tongues.”美的欣赏要凭买主的眼力,不靠贩子的吆喝。 △Rom . 5 . 1 . 66:“but Manttla’s law / Is death to any he that uttersthem.”但是曼陀的法律规定出售的人要处死刑。 6.❶speak说出。 ❷sell出售。 △Tw . 2 . 3 . 163 (149):“and utters it by great swarths;”成本大套地对人说。(又译:大批大批地向人兜售。) utter[ˈʌtə]adj.全然的,绝对的,完全的,彻底的 v.说话,表达,发表,发射 ◇ deliberately utter a falsehood 故意撒谎 utter a cry with joy 高兴叫起来 utter a liberal 公然发表诽谤言论 utter darkness 漆黑一片 utter one’s thoughts 用言词表达思想 ‖ utterance n.言辞,言论,语言能力,意见,说话的方式,终极,死 fight to the utterance 战斗至死 uttering n.故意提供或传递伪造文件罪,使用假币 utterly adv.完全地,绝对地 utterly destitute 赤贫 uttermost n.极端,最大限度,发声 |