ad. upwards以上
upward of: upwards of …以 上,多于…
△H . VI I I . 2 . 4.32 (34): “Sir. call to mind / That I have been yourwife in this obedience / Upward of twenty years.” 陛下,请想一想,二十多年来我做你的妻子,一直如此恭顺。
‖ upward air current 上升气流
upward attack向上攻击
Upward Bound Programme 升学补习计划
upward circle 翻上
upward circle forward 翻上向前
upward circle to front rest翻上成正撑
upward circle to bandstand 翻上成手倒立
upward communication 向上沟通
upward comparison 上升比较
upward flight上升飞行
upward force 向上力
upward mobility 上进心
upward pass 上挑式传棒
upward price trend 价格看涨
upward revaluation 升值
upward revaluation of currency 货币升值
upward revaluation of gold黄金升值
upward swing vault 踢腿腾越,向前直角腾越
upward swings 上起
upward tendency 上涨趋势,看涨
upward thrust 向上打腿
upward view 仰视图
upwardly adv.