释义 |
uproarn. 1.commotion,disturbance,tumult 动乱,骚动,暴乱
△H.VI I I . 1 . 2 . 33:“who./ Unfit for other life,com-pelled by hunger / And lack of other means,in des-perate manner / Daring the event to the teeth,are allin uproar,”这些人不适于其他生活门路,为饥饿所迫,没有别的办法,就铤而走险,不顾一切后果,聚众骚乱。 △H.VIII . 5 . 3. 27(5 . 2. 62): “And what follows then?/ Commotions,uproars. with a general taint / Of the whole state:”接踵而来的又是什么呢? 暴动,骚乱,同时整个国家全面败坏。 2. disturbance. insurrection of the populace骚动,暴动。 △ 1H . VI . 3 . 1 . 74 : “An uproar. I dare warrant. / Bc-gun through malice of the bishop’s men . ”我敢保证,这是主教手下人恶意挑起的骚乱。
uproarvt. turn into uproar. throw into confusion. dis-turb使变成骚乱.把…投 入混乱,扰乱 。 △Mac . 4 . 3 . 99:-Uproar the universal peace.”扰乱世界的和平。 uproar[ˈʌprɔ:]n.喧闹,轰鸣 ‖ uproarious adj. uproariously adv. |