1 . unseasonable不合时令的。
△Rom . 4 . 5 . 28: “Deathlies on her like an untimely frost / Upon the sweetestflower of all the field . ”死亡降临在她的身上 .就像是一阵不合时令的寒霜突然摧残了田野上最娇美的鲜花。
2. premature. early过早的.早早的。
△Rom . 1 . 4 . 1 12(1 1 1 ): “untimely death.” 早死,夭折。
1. unseasonably. out of the proper time,inappropri-ately不合时宦地.时候不恰当地.不适当地。
△Lr . 3 . 7 . 97:“Regan. I bleed apace: / Untimely comes this hurt.”里根,我流血很快;这伤来得不是时候。
2. at an unfortunate time,unfortunately在不幸的时候.不幸地。
△Ham . 4 . 1 . 39: “And let them know bothwhat we mean to do / And what’s untimely done,”让他们知道我原来想的办法和不幸发生的事故。
3. prematurely过早地。
△Mac . 5. 7 . 44 (5 . 8. 15 ):“Macduff was from his mother’s womb / Untimelyripped.”麦克德夫是从他娘胎里不足月剖出来的。
△ 3H.VI.3.3.186:“Did I forget that by the house of York /My father came untimely to his death?”难道我忘记了我的父亲正是由于约克家族才遭到横死的吗?
△ 3H.VI.5.5.62:“How sweet a plant have you untimely cropped!”多么可爱的一颗小树被你们过早地砍掉了!
‖ untimely delivery risk 不及时交割风险
untimely payment risk 不及时付款风险
untimeliness n.