释义 |
untaughta. 1 . uneducated. uncultured,ill-bred,ignorant. ill-man-nered缺少教育的,没有文化的,无教养的,无知的,没礼貌的。 △Rom. 5 . 3 . 214: “O thou untaught ! what manners isin this. /To press before thy father to a grave?”啊,你这缺少教养的孩子! 这算是什么礼貌,你怎么抢在你的老父前面进入坟墓? △1H.IV . 1 . 3. 42: “ And as the soldier boredead bodies by,/He called them untaught knaves.unmannerly.”当士兵们抬着死尸走过去,他骂他们是缺乏教养的家伙,不懂礼貌。 2. unschooled,unskilled,unaccustomed未受过训练的,不熟练的,不习惯的。 △2H.VI Ⅵ. 4 . 1 . 121 :“Suffolk’s impe-rial tongue is stern and rough,/ Used to command.untaught to plead for favour.”萨福克的尊严的舌头是坚强而粗硬的,它只习惯于下命令,不会求人开恩。 |