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单词 favourite
favouriteAmE -vor-/′feɪvǝrɪt/ n & adj

n(1) 受宠(偏)爱的人或物(person or thing that is loved best or preferred above all others) [C] [N(of)]:That song is a~of mine/a general~. 那首歌是我所偏爱的/人们普遍喜爱的(一首歌)。The eldest daughter is his~. 大女儿是他最宠爱的(孩子)。He was a great~of/with the boss. 他是老板的大红人。His mild character makes him a~among his colleagues. 他因性情温和深受同事们喜爱。〖同〗choice,pet,darling;

(2) 亲信,心腹(person who is given too much favour) [C] (Derog):The president gave most of the important positions in the government to his~s. 总统将政府中大部分要职都给了他的亲信。

(3) 最有希望获胜的人、马等(competitorhorseetc considered most likely to win)[Cthe~]:The~came second in the race. 最有希望获胜的马(人)在比赛中获得第二名。The young candidate is the~in the election. 那位年轻的候选人极有希望在选举中获胜。

adj 最喜爱的(liked best;preferred above all others) [作attrib]:my~writer/city/way of learning 我最喜欢的作家/城市/学习方式;〖同〗 preferred,pet,choice;

←′favo(u)r n;vt 喜爱,偏袒;

→′favo(u)ritism n 偏爱(袒),不公平;

【辨异】 favouritebelovedlovely 的区别见 BELOVED。





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