unnaturala. 1 . contrary to the laws and order of nature. againstnature伤天害理的,反常的。 △Lr . 3 . 1 . 37: “making iustreport / Of how unnatural and bemadding sorrow /The King hath cause to plain.”准确地报告国王现在怎样遭受着伤天害理和使人发疯的悲痛。 △Ham. 1 . 5 . 25: “Re-venge his foul and most unnatural murder.”为他那惨遭恶毒而伤天害理的谋杀而报仇。 △Mac. 2 . 4 . 10: “’Tisunnatural . Even like the deed that’s done’ ” j . e. I tis contrary to the natural order. iust as the deed thathas been done . 这真是反常.就像最近发生的事情 。 △ Mac5 . 1 . 78 (71 ).“Unnatural deeds Do breed unnaturaltroubles:” 反常的行为产生出反常的纷扰 。 △ As . 4 . 3 . 124(122): “And he did render him the most unnatural That lived amongst men. ”他把他形容为人世间最伤天害理的人。 2. contrary to human nature. inhuman in the highestdegree违背人性的.极无人性的。 △Ham . 5 . 2 . 395 (381 ):“Of carnal. bloody and unnatural acts.”荒淫.残杀.违背人性的行为。 3. having no natural feeling没有天然感情的。 △3H . VI1 . 1 . 216. “Ah,wretched man. would I had died amaid / And never seen thee,never borne thee son, Seeing thou hast proved so unnatural a father!”啊,你这可怜虫,看见你现在是这么一个无情无义的父亲,我真想不如当初做一个少女死掉,从来没有见过你,也不替你生儿子! 4. contrary to the feelings of human nature. violatingthe natural tie between kin. unfilial违背人性至情的.违背人伦的,忤逆不孝的 。 △Lr . 2 . 1 . 51 (49 ): “Seeing howloathly opposite I stood / To his unnatural purpose。”看出来我对他那忤逆不孝的图谋是多么深恶痛绝地反对。 5. against natural kindred. against one’s own country不利于自己宗族的,不利于自己本国的。 △1H . VI . 3 . 3 . 50:“Behold the wounds. the most unnatural wounds. Whjch thou thyself hast given her woeful breast . ”看看这些创伤,香看你加在自己祖国不幸的胸膛上的那些为亲痛仇快的创伤。 unnatural[ʌnˈnætʃərəl]adj.不自然的 ‖ unnatural offence 违反自然的罪行 unnaturally 反常的,勉强的 |