释义 |
unkinda. 1 . unnatural反常的,违反常情的。 △1H.VI . 4 . 1 . 193:“But more,when envy breeds unkind division.”更不妙的是仇恨产生出不正常的冲突。 2. unnatural. hard-hearted. cruel违背人情的,狠心的,冷酷的。 △Tw . 3 . 4 . 404 (368): “None can be called de-formed but the unkind.”(The unnatural quality withwhich Antonio is charging the supposed Sebastian .i.e. Viola. is ingratitude.) 无所谓残废,除了冷酷的心肠。(按:指忘恩负义。) △Gent . 1 . 2 . 106: “ Unkind Julia,”狠心的朱丽亚。 △Rom. 5. 3. 145: “Ah,what an unkindhour”,啊,多么残酷的时辰。 3. unnatural. lacking in natural feeling,lacking innatural family affection. unnaturally cruel违背人情的.缺乏天然感情的,缺乏亲人之情的.无情无义的。 △Lr . 1 . 1.263 (260). “though linkind .” i . e . even though (theyare) unnaturally cruel. 虽然他们是这样无情无义。 △Lr . 3.4 . 69 (70): “nothing could have subdued nature / Tosuch a lowness but his unkind daughters.”除了他那些忤逆的女儿们之外,没有什么能把人贬低到如此卑贱的地步。 △Oth. 4 . 1 . 237 (224): ”Cousin. there’s fallen be-tween him and my lord / An unkind breach;”大哥,在他和我丈夫之间发生了一点不愉快的裂痕。 △As. 2. 7. 174:“Blow,blow. thou winter wind,/ Thou art not so unkind / As man’s ingratitude;”吹吧,吹吧,冬天的风,/你不似人间的忘恩负义 /那样的伤天害理。 unkind[ˈʌnˈkaind]adj.不仁慈的,冷酷的 ‖ unkindly adv.unkindness n. |