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单词 favour
favourAmE -vor/′feɪvǝ(r)/ nvt [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

n(1) 喜欢,好感,赞成(同) (likingkindness or approval) [U]:gain~with sb 获得某人的宠爱;win sb's~赢得某人的欢心;seek public~争取公众的赞同;consider sb's plan with~优先考虑某人的计划;look on sb/sth with~/look with~on sb/sth 赞同某人/某事;〖同〗 approval,goodwill,support;〖反〗disfavour prohibition,hostility,disapproval;

(2) 偏袒(爱) (treatment that shows preference or too much kindness to or for sb or sth) [U]:show~to/towards sb 对某人偏袒;win a position by~靠偏爱得到一个职务;She did not want any special~when she started the job. 当她开始做这项工作时,她并不想得到任何分外的照顾。

(3) 善意的行为,恩惠,帮忙(kind or helpful action) [C]:ask a~of sb 要求某人帮忙;ask the~of a reply 请予回复;regard sth as a great~将某事看作极具善意的行为;receive~s from sb 从某人那里得到恩惠;Will you do me a~/do a~for me and lend me your dictionary? 请你把词典借给我用一下好吗? I'm very grateful to her for the little~s she did me. 我非常感谢她帮我做的那些小事。〖同〗 service;〖反〗 injury,harm,hurt;

(4) 纪念品,徽章;(小)礼物(small token;badge;gift) [C]:the~s of a football team's supporters 足球队拥护者的记念物;wear a~on one's arm 臂上佩戴徽章;wear sth as~s 佩戴……作为标志;

find/lose favour with sb 得宠/失宠于某人:His criticism of the government has caused him to lose~with the prime minister. 他对政府的批评使他失去了首相对他的宠信。

in favour of sb/(doing) sth 1) 赞同,支持:They are in~of reform/ of saving money for a new car. 他们赞成改革/存钱买一辆新汽车。2) 有利于:The score was 3 to 1 in~of the home team. 比分是三比一,主队获胜。

in sb's favour 对……有利:The evidence is in the defendant's ~. 证据对被告有利。

in/out of sb's favour/favour with sb 得到/失去某人的宠爱(信):She is in/out of~with her employer. 她得到/失去了雇主的宠信。

vt(1) 喜(宠)爱;支持,赞成(approve of;support) [T+n]:~equal opportunities for everyone/sb of the job of the financial controller/one's proposal 给每个人同等的机会/支持某人出任财务总监/赞成某人的提议;Which party do you~? 你支持哪个政党? Fortune~s the brave. 命运青睐勇者。〖同〗approve,support,encourage;

(2) 偏爱(袒) (support or like more than others) [T+n]:~the youngest child 偏爱最小的孩子;A teacher should not~any of her students. 教师应对她的学生一视同仁。〖同〗prefer;〖反〗dislike;

(3) 有利(助)于,便于(tend to make (sth) possible or easy;aid) [T+n]: The climate in this region~s the growing of rubber trees. 这个地区的气候有利于橡胶树的生长。Darkness~s his escape. 夜色使他得以逃脱。Chance had~ed her. 机遇垂青于她。

(4) (长得)像(look like;resemble in appearance) [T+n] (旧用法):The baby~s its father. 那个婴儿长得像他父亲。The girl~s her father more than her mother. 那个女孩子的长相像父亲的地方比像母亲的地方多。〖同〗 resemble;

→′favo(u)red adj 受优待(惠)的;′favo(u)r-er n 援助者,赞成者;′favo(u)ring adj 顺(有)利的;′favo(u)rable adj 赞成的;′fa-vo(u)rite n 受宠爱的人或物





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