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单词 fate
fate/feɪt/ nvt [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n(1) 命运,天命,运数(power that is believed to control events) [U]:by a stroke of/a twist of~由于命运的安排/转折;believe in/tempt~信命/蔑视命运;They believed that it was~that prevented them from ever meeting again. 他们相信是天意使他们永远不能再次相见。No one knows what~was in store for him. 谁都不知道等待他的命运是什么。He wanted to become a lawyer,but~decided otherwise/that he became a doctor. 他本想当律师,但命运使他没能如愿/让他作了医生。〖同〗destiny;〖反〗will,choice,decision,chance;

(2) (某种具体的) 命运,结局(future or result that cannot be avoided;destiny) [C]:decide/fix/settle sb's~决定某人的命运;deserve a better~应得到更好的结局;accept one's~接受命运对自己的安排;be resigned to one's~听天由命;It is his~to take orders from others/to die young/to be exiled. 他命中注定要听命于他人/早逝/被流放。He didn't know that a terrible~was awaiting him. 他还不知道一种可怕的结局正等着他。〖同〗 fortune,lot,destiny;

(3) 毁灭;死亡(deathend or destruction) [C]:go to/meet one's~去死;〖同〗 death,destruction,doom;

as sure as fate 必定:If you don't hurry,you'll miss the train as sure as~. 如果再不抓紧,你肯定会误车的。

a fate worse than death 极不愉快的事:Having to live on bread and water only is a~worse than death. 仅靠面包和清水活命是活受罪。

→′fateful adj 命中注定的;′fatefully adv 命中注定地;′fatefulness n 不吉详;

v 命中注定(be selected or destined by fate) [仅 passC+n+to-inf]:be~d to fail/to become a leader 命中注定要失败/成为领袖;It was~d that he should die young. 他命中注定会早逝。

→′fated adj 命运决定的;

【辨异】 fatedestiny 都表示命运。fate 指决定命运的力量,暗示事情的不可避免或更改,如:It was my fate to meet an old friend I had not seen for twenty years. (见到20多年没见面的老朋友是命中注定的事。) destiny (命运,天数) 常与 fate 通用,强调预先决定了的事,如:It was his destiny to become a great man. (他注定会成为伟人。)





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