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单词 umwelt


UN=United Nations 联合国
‖ a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council 联合国安理会常任理事国
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Organization (FAO)联合国粮农组织
headquarters of the United Nations 联合国总部
specialized agency of the United Nations 联合国专门机构
UN forces 联合国部队
UN university 联合国大学
‖ unabridged edition 全文本
unaccompanied air baggage allowance 后寄空运行李津贴
unaccompanied air baggage rate 后寄空运行李收费率
unaimed fire 乱射
unarmed defense 徒手防御
unbalance[ˈʌnˈbæləns]v.& n.失去平衡,紊乱
unbalanced landing 落地不稳
unbalanced structure of competitive abilities 竞技能力非衡结构
unchanged grip 固定握拍法
unclean hit 有拖带动作的击球
unclimbable adj.无法攀登的
undersirable customs 陋俗
undersurveillance 被管制
uneven bars高低杠
uneven contest 力量悬殊的比赛
uneven parallel bars 高低杠
uneven raising of arms 两臂高低不平
uneven stride 步幅不均匀
uneven support 不等高支撑
uneven zone单数突前区域联防
unexpected shots 意外的打法
unfair ball 坏球
unfair play 犯规动作
unfairly delivered ball 投手投出的坏球
unfield offside 持球越位
unfold a grip 摆脱
unguarded shot 无人防守的投篮
unintentional foul 非故意犯规
unintentional tripping无意绊脚
uninterrupted attack 连续进攻
uninterrupted movement 不停顿的动作
unorthodox pitcher 左撇子投手
unorthodox style 不正确的风格
unorthodox tactics 非正规战术
unprotected area 防守空当
unrated player 无等级分棋手
unrestricted wrestling自由式摔跤
unreturnable ball 不能回击的球
unsight an opponent 挡住对方视线
unsporting behavior 违反体育道德的行为
unsportsmanlike adj. 违反体育道德的
unsportsmanlike conduct 违反体育道德的行为
unstrained member 不受力杆
unsuccessful free throw 罚球未中
unsuccessful trial 试举失败
untoward incident 不幸事件
unwillful offside 无意越位





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