释义 |
Turkn. 1.native of Turkey; (appellatively) in fidel土耳其人,突厥人;(代称)异教徒。 △As. 4. 3. 33 (32):“Why. she de-ties me. / Like Turk to Christian.”i. e. like some in-fidel challenging a Christian knight to life-and-deathcombat. 哼,她向我挑战,像土耳其人对基督徒一样。 2. heathen,infidel异教徒。 △Oth. 2. 1. 114:“Nay,itis true. or else I am a Turk. 不,是真话,否则我就是异教徒。 3. i.e. infidel. cruel and hard-hearted man,ferociousand bloodthirsty tyrant土耳其人,(借喻)异教徒,残忍无情的人,凶恶嗜血的暴君。 Turk Gregory: i.e.Pope Gregory XIII(1572-1585).who approved the Massacre of St. Bart holomew andpromised indulgence to anyone who would murderQueen Elizabeth I.hence an inveterate foe of Eng-land残暴的葛里高利,(指为当时英国人所痛恨的)教皇葛里高利十二世 △1H.IV. 5. 3. 46 (45):“Turk Gregory neverdid such deeds in arms as I have done this day.”残暴的葛里高利也没有我今天在战争中杀人这么多。 4. the Grand Turk,sultan,ruler of the Turkish empire (土耳其帝国的统治者)苏丹。 △ H. V. 5. 2. 221 (208):“that shall go to Constantinople and take the Turk bythe beard?”(Anachronism: the Turks did not obtain Constantinople till 1453,thirty-one years afterHenry’s death.)等他长大了,好跑到君士坦丁堡去揪土耳其国王的胡子吗? (按:此语有时代错误,仅反映r当时西欧人对土耳其帝国的对立情绪。) △1H.VI.4. 7.73:“The Turk. thattwo-and-fifty kingdoms hath,/ Writes not so tediousa style as this.”拥有五十二个王国的土耳其苏丹也没有这么大串啰唆的头衔。 Turk’s tribute: annual exaction collected from theTurkish subjects to the Sultan土耳其臣民向苏丹缴纳的贡税。 △2H.IV. 3. 2. 333 (306):“and every third word alie,duer paid to the hearer than the Turk’s tribute.”(Delays by his subjects in paying tribute due to theSultan were punished with death.)每三句话里就准有一句谎言送进听者的耳朵里,比对土耳其苏丹纳贡还要及时。 |