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troopn. 1. number of people collected together.company 人群,伙,队。 △Wiv.5.3.12(11): “Where is Nan now,and her troop of fairies...?”安和她那一队精灵现在都在什么地方? △Oth.1.2.54:“Here comes another troop toseek for you.” 又有一队人来找你了。 △H.VIII.1.4.53: “A noble troop of strangers,/For so they seem.”一群陌生人,看样子像是高贵的外国人。 △H.VIII. 5. 4. 90 (5.3.84): “Go,break among the press,and find a wayout / To let the troop pass fairly;”去,到人群中打开一条路来,让客人们好好通过。 △R.III.3.7.83 (84):“He won-ders to what end you have assembled/Such troops ofcitizens to come to him,”他感到奇怪,你们召集这么一群群的市民到他这里来,是为了什么目的。 2. retinue随从人员。 △R.III.4. 4. 96: “Where be thethronging troops that followed thee?”过去跟在你后边的那一大批随从人员现在到哪里去了?
troopvi. 1. march in a body,march in company在群体中行进,结队行进。 △2H.IV.4.1.62: “Troop in the throngs ofmilitary men,”行进在大群的战士们中间。 2. go,walk,be off去,走,走开。 △Mid.3.2.381: “Atwhose approach,ghosts,wand’ring here and there,/Troop home to churchyards.”星光来临,到处游荡的鬼魂,便成群地回到坟地。 3. associate,go in company结伴,一起走。 troop with: ❶go in company with,accompany与…走在 一起,伴随。 △Rom.1.5.52 (48):“So shows a snowydove trooping with crows.”i.e.So appears a snow-white dove going in company with crows.像乌鸦队中一只白鸽那么明艳。 ❷follow in the train of,follow跟随在…之后,追随。 △Lr.1.1.133 (131): “and all the largeeffects/That troop with majesty.”和伴随着君王气派的一切辉煌的尊荣。 troop[tru:p]n. 队,军队,骑兵连 ‖ household troops 王室禁卫军 storm troopers冲锋队员 the special troops 特种部队 troop carrier 运兵舰 troop disposition 战斗部署 troop housing area 营区 troop medical clinic部队门诊部 troop train 军用运输列车 troop transport 运兵船 troop unit 部队单位 troops augmentating 部队扩编 troops moving 部队调动 troops should be strictly with 从严治军 troops teaching materials 部队教材 trooper n.骑兵,伞兵 troopie[ˈtru:pi]n.列兵 |