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单词 triumph


1.solemn procession of a victorious general and his army将军及其军队胜利归来的盛大行列。
△3H.VI. 3. 3. 17:“but let thy dauntless mind /Still ride in triumph overall mischance.”要让你那无所畏惧的精神,压倒一切厄运,胜利而归。
2. pomp炫耀。
△2H.VI.2. 4.13:“That erst did followthy proud chariot-wheels / When thou didst ride intriumph through the streets.”从前,当你坐在车子里风光十足地驶过大街时,他们只能追随在你那华贵的车轮后边。
3. public festivity or joyful celebration,festive cele-bration欢庆。
△ Ham. 1. 4.11: “The kettle-drum andtrumpet thus bray out The triumph of his pledge. ”铜鼓和喇叭就吹吹打打,为他的干杯而欢庆。
△ Oth. 2. 2. 3:“every man put himsclf into triumph;” 大家一同欢庆
△3H. VI. 5. 7. 42:“And now what rests but that wespend the time / With stately triumphs,mirthfulcomic shows,/ Such as befits the pleasure of thecourt. ”现在剩下要做的事就只有以适合宫中娱乐的盛大的欢庆和愉快的滑稽表演来消磨时间了。
△R.III.3.4. 42: “Wehave not yet set down this day of triumph.”我们还没有确定这个欢庆的日子在哪一天。
4. torchlight procession of celebration,illuminationfor a festival火炬大游行,节日的灯火。
△1H.IV.3. 3. 46(40): “O,thou art a perpetual triumph,an everlast-in g bonfire light!”啊,你是永久的火炬大游行,烧不完的篝火!
5. tournament (中世纪的)马上比武大会。
△1H.VI. 5. 5.31:“Or one that. at a triumph,having vowed / Totry his strength,”或者一个人,发过誓言要在比武大会上一试强弱。
6. masque假面舞会。
△Mid.1.1.19:“With pomp,with triumph,and with revelling.”用豪华场面,用假面舞会,用欢乐宴会(来庆祝)。


1.celebrate victory庆祝胜利。
△Oth. 4. 1. 119 (118):“Do you triumph,Roman? do you triumph?”你胜利了吗,罗马人? 你胜利了吗?
2. exult狂喜,欢欣鼓舞。
△3H.VI.1. 4. 63:“So triumphthieves upon their conquered (i.e. stolen) booty:”盗贼夺得赃物,也是这样狂喜。
△3H.VI.2. 4. 6: “This is thehand that stabbed thy father York,/And this thehand that slew thy brother Rutland,/ And here’s theheart that triumphs in their death.”这就是刺死你父亲的那只手,这就是杀死你弟弟鲁特兰的那只手,这里就是为他们的死而兴高采烈的那颗心。
△3H.VI.5.6.93:“And triumph,Henry. in thy day of doom.”亨利,在你死亡的末日,你洋洋得意去吧。
△R.III.4. 4.59: “O Harry’s wife,triumphnot in my woes!”啊,哈利的妻子,你不要因我的悲痛而洋洋得意!
triumph upon: exult. gloat over洋洋得意,幸灾乐祸地注视。
△3H.VI.1. 4. 113:“How ill-beseeming is it in thysex / To triumph like an Amazonian trull / Upontheir woes whom Fortune captivates!”像一个亚马孙的泼妇那样向遭遇厄运者的灾难表示幸灾乐祸,与你的女性身份是多么不相称呀!


‖ the Arc de Triumph 凯旋门
triumphant[traiˈʌmfənt]adj. 得胜的,得意的
triumphant return 凯旋
triumphalism n.triumphalist n.必胜信念者,必胜主义者





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